Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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139126That the Moon may be a World. apply theſe places according as fancy Directs:
As I think this Opinion doth not any where
Contradict Scripture:
ſo I think likewiſe, that
it cannot be Proved from it.
Wherefore Gam-
panella’s Second Conjecture may be more Pro-
bable, that the Inhabitants of that World, are
not Men as we are, but ſome other kind of
Creatures which Bear ſome Proportion, and
Likeneſs to our Natures.
Or it may be, they
are of a quite Different Nature from any thing
here Below, ſuch as no Imagination can De-
our Underſtandings being Capable on-
ly of ſuch things as have Entered by our Senſes,
or elſe ſuch Mixed Natures as may be Com-
poſed from them.
Now, there may be ma-
ny other Species of Creatures beſide thoſe that
are already known in the World;
there is a
great Chaſme betwixt the Nature of Men and
It may be the Inhabitants of the Pla-
nets are of a Middle Nature between both
’Tis not Improbable that God might
Create ſome of all Kinds, that ſo he might
more Compleatly Gloriſie himſelf in the
Works of his Power and Wiſdom.
Guſanus too, thinks they differ from us in ma-
ny reſpects;
I will ſet down his words as they
may be found in the above Cited place, Suſpi-
camur in regione ſolis magis eſſe ſolares, claros &

illuminatos intellectuales habitatores, ſpiritualiores
etiam quàm in lunâ ubi magis lunatici, &
in terra
magis materiales, &
craſſi, ut illi intellectualis na-
turæ ſolares ſint multum in actu &
parum in poten-
tia, terreni verò magis in potentia, &
parum in
actu, lunares in medio fluctuantes.
Hoc quidem
opinamur ex influentia ignili ſolis, aquatica

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