Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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4028That the Moon may be a World. rather take pains to prefer them to ſome extra-
ordinary Nature;
whereas notwithſtanding,
all the Arguments they could invent, were
not able to convince a neceſſity of any ſuch
Matter, as is confeſt by their own ſide.
11Colleg. con-
nimb. de
cælo. t. 1. c. 2
q. 6. art. 3
were much to be deſir'd, that theſe Men had
not in other Caſes, as well as this, Multiply-
ed things without neceſſity, and as if there
had not been enough to be known in the Se-
crets of Nature, have ſpun out new Subjects
from their own Brains, to find more Work
for Future Ages;
I ſhall not mention their
Arguments, ſince ’tis already confeſt, that they
are none of them of any neceſſary conſequence:
and beſides you may ſee them ſet down in any
of the Books de Cælo.
But it is the general Conſent of the Fathers,
and the Opinion of Lumbard, that the Hea-
vens conſiſt of the ſame matter with theſe
Sublunary Bodies.
St. Ambroſe is ſo confident
of it, that he eſteems the contrary a Hereſie.
22In Hexam.
lib. 4.
True indeed, they differ much among them-
ſelves, ſome thinking them to be made of
Fire, others of Water, and others of both;
but herein they generally agree, that they are
all fram'd of ſome Element or other.
Dioniſius Garthuſianus collects from that place
33Enarrat. in
Geneſ. art.
in Geneſis, where the Heavens are mention'd
in their Creation, as divided only in diſtance
from the Elementary Bodies, and not as being
made of any new Matter.
To this purpoſe
others Cire the Derivation of the Hebrew
word מושש, quaſi שמ ibi &
מומ aquæ, or quaſi
שע ignis &
מומ. Becauſe they are fram'd
out of theſe Elements.
But concerning

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