Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of figures

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[Figure 11]
[Figure 12]
[Figure 13]
[Figure 14]
[Figure 15]
[Figure 16]
[Figure 17]
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12Books ſold by John Gellibrand.
BAudrandi Geographia ordine litterarum
diſpoſita, 2 Vol.
Paris 1682. Folio.
Franciſci de le Boe Sylvii opera Medica cum
Collegio Noſocomico, Geneva, 1681.
Diemerbroeck Anatomia, in Quarto.
Zodiacus Medico-Gallicus in Tribus Tomis
pro Tribus Annis, Quarto.
Plutarchs Morals Tranſlated from the
Greek by ſeveral Hands into Engliſh, Octavo.
Biſhop Wilkins Diſcourſe of Prayer and
Preaching, in Octavo.
------Mathematical Magick, in Octavo.
-----Sermons upon ſeveral Occaſions be-
fore the King, to which is added a Diſcourſe
concerning the Beauty of Providence, by the
ſame Author, in Octavo.
Sir William Temples Obſervations upon
the Low-Countries, in Octavo.
-----Miſcellanea, in Oetavo.
Sir John Temples Hiſtory of the Iriſh Re-
bellion, in Octavo.
Lucius Florus cum Notis Johan. Min-Ellii,
in Twelves.
Virgillii Maronis Opera cum Notis Johan.
Min-Ellii, in Twelves.

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