20222That the Earth may be a Planet.
Gilbert, in that renewing of this Opi-
nion, he omitted an anſwer to the Scripture-
Expreſſions: therefore ’tis requiſite, That
in the proſecuting this Diſcourſe, we ſhould
lay down ſuch ſatisfaction, as may clear all
Doubts that may be taken thence: eſpeci-
ally ſince the prejudice that may ariſe from
the miſapprehenſion of thoſe Scripture-
Phraſes, may much diſable the Reader from
looking on any other Argument, with an
equal and indifferent mind.
nion, he omitted an anſwer to the Scripture-
Expreſſions: therefore ’tis requiſite, That
in the proſecuting this Diſcourſe, we ſhould
lay down ſuch ſatisfaction, as may clear all
Doubts that may be taken thence: eſpeci-
ally ſince the prejudice that may ariſe from
the miſapprehenſion of thoſe Scripture-
Phraſes, may much diſable the Reader from
looking on any other Argument, with an
equal and indifferent mind.
The places that ſeem to oppoſe this, are
of two kinds. Firſt, Such as imply a Mo-
tion in the Heavens: Or, ſecondly, ſuch as
ſeem to expreſs a Reſt and Immobility in the
of two kinds. Firſt, Such as imply a Mo-
tion in the Heavens: Or, ſecondly, ſuch as
ſeem to expreſs a Reſt and Immobility in the
Thoſe of the firſt kind ſeem to bear in
them the cleareſt evidence, and therefore
are more inſiſted on by our Adverſaries.
They may be referred unto theſe three
them the cleareſt evidence, and therefore
are more inſiſted on by our Adverſaries.
They may be referred unto theſe three
All thoſe Scriptures where there is any
mention made of the Riſing or Setting of the
Sun or Stars.
mention made of the Riſing or Setting of the
Sun or Stars.