Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of figures

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326146That the Earth may be a Planet. than a little Pebble ; but alſo when its Mo-
tion does proceed from ſome external A-
gent, as the Wind will drive a great Cloud,
or a heavy Ship, when it is not able to ſtir a
little Stone.
2. As for the ſwiftneſs of this Motion,
the poſſibility of it may be illuſtrated by o-
ther Particulars in Nature :
1. The ſound of a Cannon, in a little
11Idem lib. 2
ſect. 1.c.5.
time, is carried for twenty miles diſtance.
2. Though a Star be ſcituate ſo remote-
ly from us;
yet the Eye diſcerns it in a mo-
ment, which is not without ſome motion,
either of the Species of the Star, or the
Rays of the Eye.
Thus alſo the Light does
22Idem lib. 1
ſect. 1.c.2.
in an inſtant paſs from one ſide of the Hea-
ven to another.
3. If the force of Powder be able to car-
ry a Bullet with ſo great a ſwiftneſs, we need
not doubt then, but that the Heavens are
capable of ſuch a celerity, as is uſually at-
tributed unto them.
Unto theſe it may be anſwered:
1. Where they ſay that the Heavenly Bo-
dies are without all gravity;
we grant it, in
the ſame ſenſe as our Earth alſo, being con-
ſidered as whole, and in its proper place,
may be denied to be heavy :
ſince this Qua-
lity, in the exacteſt ſenſe, can only be aſcri-
bed unto ſuch parts as are ſevered from the
whole to which they belong.
But how-
ever, ſince the Heavens, or Stars, are of a
material Subſtance, ’tis impoſſible but there
ſhould be in them ſome ineptitude to

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