Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 191]
[Figure 192]
[Figure 193]
[Figure 194]
[Figure 195]
[Figure 196]
[Figure 197]
[Figure 198]
[Figure 199]
[Figure 200]
[Figure 201]
[Figure 202]
[Figure 203]
[Figure 204]
[Figure 205]
[Figure 206]
[Figure 207]
[Figure 208]
[Figure 209]
[Figure 210]
[Figure 211]
[Figure 212]
[Figure 213]
[Figure 214]
[Figure 215]
[Figure 216]
[Figure 217]
[Figure 218]
[Figure 219]
[Figure 220]
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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/1010.jpg" pagenum="316"/>
              ſtrument: which difficulty is more ſenſible in it than in thoſe afore­
              going, foraſmuch as it hath greater Force.</s>
            <p type="head">
              <s>The LEAVER,
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>I Have deferred to ſpeak of the Leaver until the laſt, in regard
              that it is of all Engines for raiſing of Weights, the moſt diffi­
              cult to be explained.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Let us ſuppoſe that C H is a Leaver, in ſuch manner ſupported
              at the point O, (by means of an Iron Pin that paſſeth thorow it
              acroſs, or otherwiſe) that it may turn about on this point O, its
              part C deſcribing the Semicircle A B C D E, and its part H the
                <figure id="id.040.01.1010.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/1010/1.jpg" number="214"/>
              Semicircle F G H I K; and that
              the Weight which we would
              raiſe by help of it were in H,
              and the Force in C, the Line
              C O being ſuppoſed triple of
              O H. </s>
              <s>Then let us conſider that
              in the Time whilſt the Force
              that moveth this Leaver deſcri­
              beth the whole Semicircle
              A B C D E, and acteth accord­
              ing to the Line A B C D E, al­
              though that the Weight deſcri­
              beth likewiſe the Semicircle
              F G H I K, yet it is not raiſed to
              the length of this curved Line
              F G H I K, but only to that of the Line F O K; inſomuch that the
              Proportion that the Force which moveth this Weight ought to
              have to its Ponderoſity ought not to be meaſured by that which is
              between the two Diameters of theſe Circles, or between their two
              Circumferences, as it hath been ſaid above of the Wheel, but ra­
              ther by that which is betwixt the Circumference of the greater,
              and the Diameter of the leſſer. </s>
              <s>Furthermore let us conſider, that
              there is a neceſſity that this Force needeth not to be ſo great, at
              ſuch time as it is near to A, or near to E, for the turning of the
              Leaver, as then when it is near to B, or to D; nor ſo great when
              it is near to B or D, as then when it is near to C: of which the rea­
              ſon is, that the Weights do there mount leſs: as it is eaſie to un­
              derſtand, if having ſuppoſed that the Line C O H is parallel to the
              Horizon, and that A O F cutteth it at Right Angles, we take the
              point G equidiſtant from the points F and H, and the point B equi­
              diſtant from A and C; and that having drawn G S perpendicular
              to F O, we obſerve that the Line F S (which ſheweth how much
              the Weight mounteth in the Time that the Force operates along </s>