Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 191]
[Figure 192]
[Figure 193]
[Figure 194]
[Figure 195]
[Figure 196]
[Figure 197]
[Figure 198]
[Figure 199]
[Figure 200]
[Figure 201]
[Figure 202]
[Figure 203]
[Figure 204]
[Figure 205]
[Figure 206]
[Figure 207]
[Figure 208]
[Figure 209]
[Figure 210]
[Figure 211]
[Figure 212]
[Figure 213]
[Figure 214]
[Figure 215]
[Figure 216]
[Figure 217]
[Figure 218]
[Figure 219]
[Figure 220]
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            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/981.jpg" pagenum="287"/>
              of the Members and Muſcles, and as we uſe to ſay, by Force of
              Armes, beſides the extern Weight, we are to lift up the Weight of
              our own Armes, in which greater pains is required. </s>
              <s>Conclude we,
              therefore, that this upper Pulley doth not bring any Facility to the
              Force ſimply conſidered, but onely to the manner of applying it:
              but if we ſhall make uſe of the like Machine
                <figure id="id.040.01.981.1.jpg" xlink:href="040/01/981/1.jpg" number="191"/>
              in another manner, as we are now about to
              declare; we may raiſe the Weight with di­
              minution of Forces: For let the Pulley
              B D C be voluble about the Center E placed
              in it's Frame B L C, at which hang the
              Grave G; and let the Rope A B D C F
              paſſe about the Pulley; of which let the end
              A be faſtned to ſome fixed ſtay, and in the
              other F let the Force be placed; which
              moving to wards H ſhall raiſe the Machine
              B L C, and conſequently the Weight G:
              and in this operation I ſay, that the Force in
              F is the half of the Weight ſuſtained by it.
              <s>For the ſaid Weight being kept to Rights by the two ^{*} Ropes A B
                < n="marg1110"/>
              and F C, it is manifeſt, that the Labour is equally ſhared betwixt
              the Force F and the Fulciment A: and more ſubtilly examining the
              nature of this Inſtrument, if we but continue forth the Diameter
              B E C, we ſhall ſee a Leaver to be made, at the midſt of which, that
              is at the point E, the Grave doth hang, and the Fulciment cometh
              to be at the end B, and the Force in the Term C: whereupon, by
              what hath been above demonſtrated, the Force ſhall have the ſame
              proportion to the Weight, that the Diſtance E B hath to the Di­
              ſtance; Therefore it ſhall be the half of the ſaid Weight: And
              becauſe the Force riſing towards A, the Pulley turneth round,
              therefore that Reſpect or Conſtitution which the Fulciment B and
              Center E, on which the Weight and Term C, in which the Force
              is employed do depend, ſhall not change all the while; but yet in
              the Circuinduction the Terms B and C happen to vary in number,
              but not in vertue, others and others continually ſucceeding in their
              place, whereby the Leaver B C cometh to be perpetuated. </s>
              here (as hath been done in the other Inſtruments, and ſhall be in
              thoſe that follow) we will not paſſe without conſidering how that
              the journey that the Force maketh, is double to the Moment of the
              Weight. </s>
              <s>For in caſe the Weight ſhall be moved ſo far, till that
              the Line B C come to arrive with it's points B and C, at the points
              A and F, it is neceſſary that the two equal Ropes be diſtended in
              one ſole Line F H, and conſequently, when the Weight ſhall have
              aſcended along the Intervall B A, the Force ſhall have been moved
              twice as far, that is, from
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              unto H. </s>
              <s>Then conſidering that the </s>