Cardano, Geronimo, Offenbarung der Natur und natürlicher dingen auch mancherley subtiler würckungen

Table of figures

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[21] e b g a c d f
[22] 135 30
[23] a b
[24] Piceę fructus. Pineę fructus.
[Figure 25]
[26] Colocynthis. Cucurbita longa. Cucur bita mari na.
[27] d a e l b k f c g h
[28] OS. Venter. Inteſtinũ. A@@s. A D B C >A B C D
[29] a b
[Figure 30]
[Figure 31]
[Figure 32]
[33] lapidis longitudo C E D A F B
[34] a k @ c d g f e b
[35] d b e c a f g
[36] a d b c
[37] a c b d e
[38] f a d b r c g
[39] f a d ſ b c g
[40] A L H F C E G D K M B
[Figure 41]
[42] Ecliptica ſept@t. linea refleya. Erratira @@ ſectio. Ecliptica merid. A B
[43] f m @ o e q h k l a n u c d g
[44] a k g b @ @ @ l e m f q p o n b
[45] a c d b
[46] C B A F D E G
[47] Axis primus. Axis terts. Axis ſecundg Turris horologij uicem prim@ axis gereus. cla@@s verſa @lis. Rota horologij principalis. Fums. Capſula molę. Mola XXXV Q P O VII N LXX III M L R H LXXXX VI K G XV F D C E A B
[Figure 48]
[49] f g d b a c e h m k
[50] l f e i g h
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