330150That the Earth may be a Planet.
or Sight, which are Accidents, are not fit
to infer the like celerity in a material ſub-
ſtance. And ſo likewiſe for the Light which
Ariſtotle himſelf, and with him the 11De Ani-
ma.l.2.c.7 rality of Philoſophers, do for this very rea-
ſon prove not to be a Body, becauſe it
moves with ſuch ſwiftneſs, of which (it
ſeems) they thought a Body to be incapa-
ble. Nay, the Objector himſelf, in ano- ther place, ſpeaking of Light in reference
22Roff. l.2.
ſect.1.c.4. to a Subſtance, does ſay ; Lumen eſt acci-
dens, ſic ſpecies rei viſæ, & alia eſt ratio ſub-
ſtantiarum, alia accidentium.
to infer the like celerity in a material ſub-
ſtance. And ſo likewiſe for the Light which
Ariſtotle himſelf, and with him the 11De Ani-
ma.l.2.c.7 rality of Philoſophers, do for this very rea-
ſon prove not to be a Body, becauſe it
moves with ſuch ſwiftneſs, of which (it
ſeems) they thought a Body to be incapa-
ble. Nay, the Objector himſelf, in ano- ther place, ſpeaking of Light in reference
22Roff. l.2.
ſect.1.c.4. to a Subſtance, does ſay ; Lumen eſt acci-
dens, ſic ſpecies rei viſæ, & alia eſt ratio ſub-
ſtantiarum, alia accidentium.
To that of the Bullet, we anſwer :
might as well have illuſtrated the ſwiſtneſs
of a Bullet, which will paſs four or five
miles in two minutes, by the motion of a
hand in a Watch, which paſſes two or three
inches in twelve hours; there being a grea-
ter diſproportion betwixt the motion of
the Heavens, and the ſwiftneſs of a Bul-
let, than there is betwixt the ſwiftneſs of
a Bùllet, and the motion of a Hand in a
might as well have illuſtrated the ſwiſtneſs
of a Bullet, which will paſs four or five
miles in two minutes, by the motion of a
hand in a Watch, which paſſes two or three
inches in twelve hours; there being a grea-
ter diſproportion betwixt the motion of
the Heavens, and the ſwiftneſs of a Bul-
let, than there is betwixt the ſwiftneſs of
a Bùllet, and the motion of a Hand in a
Another Argument to this pur-
poſe, may be taken from the chief end of
the Diurnal and Annual Motions, which is
to diſtinguiſh betwixt Night and Day, Win-
ter and Summer; and ſo conſequently, to
ſerve for the Commodities and Seaſons of
the habitable World. Wherefore it may
ſeem more agreeable to the Wiſdom of
Providence, for to make the Earth as well
the efficient, as the final cauſe of this
poſe, may be taken from the chief end of
the Diurnal and Annual Motions, which is
to diſtinguiſh betwixt Night and Day, Win-
ter and Summer; and ſo conſequently, to
ſerve for the Commodities and Seaſons of
the habitable World. Wherefore it may
ſeem more agreeable to the Wiſdom of
Providence, for to make the Earth as well
the efficient, as the final cauſe of this