Agricola, Georg, De re metallica Libri XII, Quibus Officia, Instrumenta, Machinae, ac omnia ..., 1556

Table of figures

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[Figure 231]
[Figure 232]
[Figure 233]
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page |< < of 599 > >|
          <chap id="N10018">
            <pb pagenum="227" xlink:href="001/01/237.jpg"/>
            <figure id="id." xlink:href="001/01/237/1.jpg" number="89"/>
            <p id="N16E7A" type="main">
              <s id="N16E7C">At ſi uena metalli diues fuerit, terræ, arenæ, ſabulum, glareæ
                <expan abbr="ſaxorũ">ſaxorum</expan>
              , ex te
                <expan abbr="exciſorũ">exciſorum</expan>
              , rutro uel raſtro è tumulo erutæ, & batillo in
                <expan abbr="cribrũ">cribrum</expan>
                <expan abbr="amplũ">amplum</expan>
              uel </s>