10189That the Moon may be a World.
them at the leaſt four Miles Perpendicular.
This I ſhall prove from the Obſervation of Ga-
lilæus, whoſe Glaſs can ſhew to the ſenſe a
proof beyond exception; and certainly that
Man muſt be of a moſt timorous Faith, who
dares not believe his own Eye.
This I ſhall prove from the Obſervation of Ga-
lilæus, whoſe Glaſs can ſhew to the ſenſe a
proof beyond exception; and certainly that
Man muſt be of a moſt timorous Faith, who
dares not believe his own Eye.
By that Perſpective you may plainly diſ-
cern ſome enlightned parts (which are the
Mountains) to be diſtant from the other about
the twentieth part of the Diameter. From
whence it will follow, that thoſe Mountains
muſt neceſſarily be at the leaſt, four Italian
Miles in height.
cern ſome enlightned parts (which are the
Mountains) to be diſtant from the other about
the twentieth part of the Diameter. From
whence it will follow, that thoſe Mountains
muſt neceſſarily be at the leaſt, four Italian
Miles in height.
For let B D E F be the Body of the Moon,
A B C will be aRay or Beam of the Sun, which
enlightens a Mountain at A, and B is the point
of Contingency; the diſtance betwixt A and
B muſt be ſuppos'd to be the twentieth part
of the Diameter, which is an 100 Miles, for
ſo far are ſome enlightned parts ſever'd from
the common term of Illumination. Now
A B C will be aRay or Beam of the Sun, which
enlightens a Mountain at A, and B is the point
of Contingency; the diſtance betwixt A and
B muſt be ſuppos'd to be the twentieth part
of the Diameter, which is an 100 Miles, for
ſo far are ſome enlightned parts ſever'd from
the common term of Illumination. Now