Agricola, Georg, De re metallica Libri XII, Quibus Officia, Instrumenta, Machinae, ac omnia ..., 1556

Table of figures

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< >
page |< < of 599 > >|
          <chap id="N10018">
            <pb xlink:href="001/01/578.jpg"/>
            <p id="N2A444" type="main">
              <s id="N2A446">
                <foreign lang="el">*ski/ouros</foreign>
            <p id="N2A44D" type="main">
              <s id="N2A44F">Sorex mitle haſelmaus</s>
            <p id="N2A452" type="main">
              <s id="N2A454">Stellio Tarantula</s>
            <p id="N2A457" type="main">
              <s id="N2A459">Talpa molwurff</s>
            <p id="N2A45C" type="main">
              <s id="N2A45E">Tarandus reen</s>
            <p id="N2A461" type="main">
              <s id="N2A463">Teſtudo ſchiltkrote</s>
            <p id="N2A466" type="main">
              <s id="N2A468">Tragelaphus brandhirſe</s>
            <p id="N2A46B" type="main">
              <s id="N2A46D">Vermis in Maio natus meiworm</s>
            <p id="N2A470" type="main">
              <s id="N2A472">Viuerra furette vnd frette</s>
            <p id="N2A475" type="main">
              <s id="N2A477">Vormela wormlein</s>
            <p id="N2A47A" type="main">
              <s id="N2A47C">Vrſus beer</s>
            <p id="N2A47F" type="main">
              <s id="N2A481">Vulpes fuchs</s>
            <p id="N2A484" type="main">
              <s id="N2A486">Zobela zobel</s>
            <p id="N2A489" type="head">
              <s id="N2A48B">VOLANTIVM</s>
            <p id="N2A48E" type="main">
              <s id="N2A490">Alauda lerch</s>
            <p id="N2A493" type="main">
              <s id="N2A495">Anas immanſueta wilde ente</s>
            <p id="N2A498" type="main">
              <s id="N2A49A">Anſer immanſuetus wilde gans</s>
            <p id="N2A49D" type="main">
              <s id="N2A49F">Apis pien</s>
            <p id="N2A4A2" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4A4">
                <foreign lang="el">*apodes)</foreign>
            <p id="N2A4AB" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4AD">Aquila adler</s>
            <p id="N2A4B0" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4B2">Ardeola reiher</s>
            <p id="N2A4B5" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4B7">Attagen haſelhu
                <emph type="over"/>
                <emph.end type="over"/>
            <p id="N2A4C0" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4C2">Bubo gros huhu</s>
            <p id="N2A4C5" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4C7">Ciconia ſtorch</s>
            <p id="N2A4CA" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4CC">Cornix krahe</s>
            <p id="N2A4CF" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4D1">Coruus aquaticus waſſerrabe</s>
            <p id="N2A4D4" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4D6">Coruus, cuius caput rubra macula
              eſt inſigne holkrahe</s>
            <p id="N2A4DB" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4DD">Coruus nocturnus nachtrabe</s>
            <p id="N2A4E0" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4E2">Crabro horlitze</s>
            <p id="N2A4E5" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4E7">Cuculus kuckück</s>
            <p id="N2A4EA" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4EC">
                <foreign lang="el">*ku/yelsi</foreign>
            <p id="N2A4F3" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4F5">Fulica waſſerhun</s>
            <p id="N2A4F8" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4FA">Galgulus hemmerling</s>
            <p id="N2A4FD" type="main">
              <s id="N2A4FF">Gryllus domeſticus hauſheim</s>
            <p id="N2A502" type="main">
              <s id="N2A504">Gryllus agreſtis feldheim</s>
            <p id="N2A507" type="main">
              <s id="N2A509">Halcyon fluuiatilis eiſuogel</s>
            <p id="N2A50C" type="main">
              <s id="N2A50E">Hirundines domeſticæ hauſſchwal­
                < n="table4"/>
            <table id="N2A515">
              < id="table4"/>
              <row id="N2A518">
                <cell id="N2A519">ben</cell>
                <cell id="N2A51B">agreſtes</cell>
                <cell id="N2A51D">maurſchwal­</cell>
              <row id="N2A51F">
                <cell id="N2A520">ben</cell>
                <cell id="N2A522">ripariæ</cell>
                <cell id="N2A524">ſpirſchwalben</cell>
            <p id="N2A526" type="main">
              <s id="N2A528">Ibis auis Ægyptiaca Germanis igno
            <p id="N2A52D" type="main">
              <s id="N2A52F">
                <foreign lang="el">*iktssos</foreign>
            <p id="N2A536" type="main">
              <s id="N2A538">Lagopus ſchneuogel</s>
            <p id="N2A53B" type="main">
              <s id="N2A53D">Locuſta heuſchrccke</s>
            <p id="N2A540" type="main">
              <s id="N2A542">Mergus teucher</s>
            <p id="N2A545" type="main">
              <s id="N2A547">Merula amſſel vnd ſchamſſel</s>
            <p id="N2A54A" type="main">
              <s id="N2A54C">Miluus wcih oder hunerahr</s>
            <p id="N2A54F" type="main">
              <s id="N2A551">Noctua rantzculc/ſchlacrule/ſtockcule/
            <p id="N2A556" type="main">
              <s id="N2A558">
                <foreign lang="el">*nuktiko/rac(</foreign>
            <p id="N2A55F" type="main">
              <s id="N2A561">Olor ſchwan</s>
            <p id="N2A564" type="main">
              <s id="N2A566">Onocrotalus ſchnegans</s>
            <p id="N2A569" type="main">
              <s id="N2A56B">Palumbes holtztaube vnd ringel­
            <p id="N2A570" type="main">
              <s id="N2A572">Perdix ra
                <emph type="over"/>
                <emph.end type="over"/>
            <p id="N2A57B" type="main">
              <s id="N2A57D">Pica ageleſter</s>
            <p id="N2A580" type="main">
              <s id="N2A582">Picus ſpecht</s>
            <p id="N2A585" type="main">
              <s id="N2A587">
                <foreign lang="el">*pur)r(oko/rac(</foreign>
            <p id="N2A58E" type="main">
              <s id="N2A590">Querquedula krichentlein</s>
            <p id="N2A593" type="main">
              <s id="N2A595">Sturnus ſta
                <emph type="over"/>
                <emph.end type="over"/>
            <p id="N2A59E" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5A0">Tetraones pirckhuner vnd auerha
                <emph type="over"/>
                <emph.end type="over"/>
            <p id="N2A5A9" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5AB">Turdus krametvogel/zimer/wein
            <p id="N2A5B0" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5B2">Veſpa weſpe</s>
            <p id="N2A5B5" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5B7">Veſpertilio fledermaus</s>
            <p id="N2A5BA" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5BC">Vlula huhu</s>
            <p id="N2A5BF" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5C1">Vpupa widehopfe</s>
            <p id="N2A5C4" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5C6">Vultur haſengir</s>
            <p id="N2A5C9" type="head">
              <s id="N2A5CB">NATANTIVM</s>
            <p id="N2A5CE" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5D0">Alburnus weisfiſch</s>
            <p id="N2A5D3" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5D5">Aſellus, in Italia Aſino</s>
            <p id="N2A5D8" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5DA">Aurata, Venetijs Auraia</s>
            <p id="N2A5DD" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5DF">Barbus parme</s>
            <p id="N2A5E2" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5E4">Buccinum, in Liguria corneto</s>
            <p id="N2A5E7" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5E9">Cancer fluuiatilis krebs</s>
            <p id="N2A5EC" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5EE">Conger, in Italia congro</s>
            <p id="N2A5F1" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5F3">Coracinus, Neapoli coracino</s>
            <p id="N2A5F6" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5F8">Delphinus mehrſchwein/dar von
              kompt ſalſpeck</s>
            <p id="N2A5FD" type="main">
              <s id="N2A5FF">Glaucus</s>
            <p id="N2A602" type="main">
              <s id="N2A604">Globio fluuiatilis ſchmerle</s>
            <p id="N2A607" type="main">
              <s id="N2A609">Hippurus</s>
            <p id="N2A60C" type="main">
              <s id="N2A60E">Lucius hecht</s>