Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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6755That the Moon may be a World. on enough, to ſay, ’tis Plato’s. However, for
the ſirſt part of this Aſſertion, it was aſſented
unto by many others, and by Reaſon oſ the
Groſſneſs and inequality of this Planet, ’twas
frequently call’d quaſi terra cœleſtis, as being
11De facie
eſteem’d the Sedement, and more imperfect
part of thoſe purer Bodies;
you may ſee this
Prov’d by Plutarch, in that delightful Work
22Inſtit. ad
diſcp. Plat.
Cœl. Rho-
dig. l. I c.4.
which he properly made for the Conſirmation
of this particular.
With him agreed Alcinous
and Plotinus, later Writers.
Thus Lucian alſo in his Diſcourſe of a Jour-
ney to the Moon, where though he does ſpeak
many things out of Mirth and in a jeſting man-
yet in the beginning of it he does inti-
mate that it did contain ſome ſerious Truths
concerning the real Frame oſ the Univerſe.
The Cardinal Guſanus and Fornandus Brunus
33Cuſa. de
doct.ign. l. 2.
cap. 12.
held a particular World in every Star, and
therefore one of them Deſigning our Earth, he
ſays, it is Stella quædam nobilis, quæ lunam &

calorem &
influentiam babet aliam, & diverſam
ab omnibus aliis ſtellis;
‘A Noble Star, having
‘ a diſtinct Light, Heat, and Infiuence from
part. 434.
‘ all the reſt.
Unto this Nichol. Hill, a Coun-
try Man of ours, was enclin’d, when he ſaid,
Aſtrea terræ natura probabilis eſt:
‘That ’tis
‘ probable the Earth hath a Starry Nature.
But the Opinion which I have here deliver’d
55In Theſi.
was more directly prov’d by Mæſlin, 66Diſſerta-
tio cum
Keplar, Galileus, each of them late Writers, and famous Men for their ſingular Skill in A-
Keplar calls this World by the Name
of Levania, from the Hebrew Word תגבל,
which ſigniſies the Moon, and our Earth by
88Somn. Aſtr.

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