6048That the Moon may be a World.
Nor may we think that the Earth's Shadow
can Cloud the proper Light of the Moon from
Appearing, or take away any thing from her
Inherent Brightneſs; for this were to think a
Shadow to be a Body, an Opinion altogether
misbecoming a Philoſopher, as Tycho grants
in the fore-cited place, Nec umbra terrœ corpo-
reum quid eſt, aut denſa aliqua ſubſtantia, ut Lu-
nœ lumen obtenebrare poſſit, atque id viſui noſtro
prœripere, ſed eſt quœdam privatio luminis ſola-
ris, ob interpoſitum opacum corpus terrœ. Nor
is the Earth's ſhadow any Corporal thing,
or thick ſubſtance, that it can Cloud the
Moons Brightneſs, or take it away from our
Sight; but it is a meer privation of the Suns
Light by reaſon of her Interpoſition of the
Earth's Opacous Body.
can Cloud the proper Light of the Moon from
Appearing, or take away any thing from her
Inherent Brightneſs; for this were to think a
Shadow to be a Body, an Opinion altogether
misbecoming a Philoſopher, as Tycho grants
in the fore-cited place, Nec umbra terrœ corpo-
reum quid eſt, aut denſa aliqua ſubſtantia, ut Lu-
nœ lumen obtenebrare poſſit, atque id viſui noſtro
prœripere, ſed eſt quœdam privatio luminis ſola-
ris, ob interpoſitum opacum corpus terrœ. Nor
is the Earth's ſhadow any Corporal thing,
or thick ſubſtance, that it can Cloud the
Moons Brightneſs, or take it away from our
Sight; but it is a meer privation of the Suns
Light by reaſon of her Interpoſition of the
Earth's Opacous Body.
3 If ſhe had any Light of her own, then
that would in it ſelf be either ſuch a ruddy
Brightneſs as appears in the Eclipſes, or elſe
ſuch a Leaden Duskiſh Light as we ſee in the
Darker parts of her Body, when ſhe is a little
paſt the Conjunction. (That it muſt be one
of theſe, may follow from the Oppoſite Ar-
guments) but it is neither of theſe; therefore
ſhe hath none of her own.
that would in it ſelf be either ſuch a ruddy
Brightneſs as appears in the Eclipſes, or elſe
ſuch a Leaden Duskiſh Light as we ſee in the
Darker parts of her Body, when ſhe is a little
paſt the Conjunction. (That it muſt be one
of theſe, may follow from the Oppoſite Ar-
guments) but it is neither of theſe; therefore
ſhe hath none of her own.
’Tis not ſuch a ruddy Light as appears in
Eclipſes; for then why can we not ſee the
like redneſs, when we may diſcern the Ob-
ſcure parts of the Moon?
Eclipſes; for then why can we not ſee the
like redneſs, when we may diſcern the Ob-
ſcure parts of the Moon?
You will ſay, perhaps, that then the near-
neſs of that greater Light takes away that Ap-
neſs of that greater Light takes away that Ap-
I Reply, this cannot be;
for then why does
Mars ſhine with his wonted Redneſs,
Mars ſhine with his wonted Redneſs,