Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of figures

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5846That the Moon may be a World. her, when there is a total Eclipſe of her own
Body, or of the Sun.
2. From the Light which is Diſcerned in
the Darker part of her Body, when ſhe is but
a little Diſtant from the Sun.
1. For when there are any total Eclipſes,
there appears in her Body a great redneſs, and
many times Light enough to cauſe a remarka-
ble ſhade, as common Experience doth ſuffi-
ciently manifeſt:
but this cannot come from
the Sun, ſince at ſuch times either the Earth or
her own body ſhades her from the Sun-Beams;
therefore it muſt proceed from her own Light.
2. Two or three Days after the new
Moon, we may preceive Light in her whole
Body, whereas the Rays of the Sun reflect but
upon a ſmall part of that which is Viſible;
therefore ’tis likely that there is ſome Light
of her own.
In anſwering to theſe Objections, I ſhall
firſt ſhew, that this Light cannot be her own,
and then declare that which is the true Reaſon
of it.
That it is not her own, appears,
1. Becauſe then ſhe would always retain
it, but ſhe has been ſometimes altogether In-
viſible, when as not withſtanding ſome of the
fixed Stars of the fourth or fifth Magnitude
Aſtron. cap.
l. 6. p. 5.
ſect. 2.
might eaſily have been diſcerned cloſe by her,
As it was in the year 1620.
2. This may appear likewiſe from the Va-
riety of it at divers times;
for ’tis commonly
Obſerv'd that ſometimes ’tis of a brighter,
ſometimes of a darker Appearance;
now Red-
der, and at another time of a more

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