A Summary of the chief Matters treated
of in this Epiſtolical Diſcourſe.
of in this Epiſtolical Diſcourſe.
THe Proæmium, wherein is ſet down the
occaſion of this Diſcourſe, 1. The mo
tives that induc'd the Author thereunto, 2 &c.
The hints he received, 5. The things where
in this Engine excels any that have yet been
made uſe of, 6 &c. The deſcription of the
Engine and its parts, 8 &c. The way of pre
paring and uſing it, 15 &c. The diviſion of
the Experiments tryable thereby into two
ſorts, and the difficulty of excluding the
Air. 18 &c.
occaſion of this Diſcourſe, 1. The mo
tives that induc'd the Author thereunto, 2 &c.
The hints he received, 5. The things where
in this Engine excels any that have yet been
made uſe of, 6 &c. The deſcription of the
Engine and its parts, 8 &c. The way of pre
paring and uſing it, 15 &c. The diviſion of
the Experiments tryable thereby into two
ſorts, and the difficulty of excluding the
Air. 18 &c.
The firſt Experiment, touching the man
ner of pumping out the Air, and by what de
grees the Receiver is emptyed, 20, &c. A di
greſsion touching the Spring or Elaſtical
power of the Air, with an attempt for a Me
chanical Explication thereof, neceſſary to be
premiſ'd for the explanation of the Phæno
mena, exhibited in this and the ſubſequent
Experiments. 22 &c.
ner of pumping out the Air, and by what de
grees the Receiver is emptyed, 20, &c. A di
greſsion touching the Spring or Elaſtical
power of the Air, with an attempt for a Me
chanical Explication thereof, neceſſary to be
premiſ'd for the explanation of the Phæno
mena, exhibited in this and the ſubſequent
Experiments. 22 &c.
The ſecond Experiment, touching the preſ
ſure of the Air againſt the ſides of the Bodies
it invirons, 37 &c. with a digreſsive Ex
plication of the preſſure of the Air included
within an ambient Body. 39 &c.
ſure of the Air againſt the ſides of the Bodies
it invirons, 37 &c. with a digreſsive Ex
plication of the preſſure of the Air included
within an ambient Body. 39 &c.