Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1member Seneca ſpeaks of Nature, Initia­
tos (ſays be) nos credimus, in Veſtibulo
ejus hæremus: For being now in a place
where we are not quite deſtitute of moderate­
ly skilful Artificers, we have, ſince the
Concluſion of the following Letter, made
ſome Additions to our Engine, by whoſe help
we finde (upon ſome new tryals) that we
may be able, without much of new trouble,
to keep the ambient Air out of the exhau­
ſted Receiver for a whole day; and perhaps
we ſhould be able to keep it out much longer,
if before we ſhall have diſpatch'd ſome ur­
gent Affairs, and publiſh'd ſome Papers for
which a kinde of Promiſe is thought to make
us Debtors to the Preſs, we could be at lei­
ſure to proſecute ſuch Experiments, as may
poſsibly afford a Supplement to the follow­
ing Treatiſe, from which I ſhall now no lon­
ger detain the Reader.
I know

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