Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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And indeed, having, for Reaſons elſe­
where deduc'd, purpoſely kept my ſelf a
ſtranger to moſt of the new Hypotheſes in
Philoſophy, I am ſenſible enough that the
Engine I treat of has prevail'd with me to
write of ſome ſubjects which are ſufficient­
ly remote from thoſe I have been moſt con­
verſant in.
And having been reduc'd to
write the greateſt part of the enſuing Letter
at a diſtance, not onely from my Library,
but from my own Manuſcripts, I cannot
but fear that my Diſcourſes do not onely
want many choice things wherewith the
Learned Writings of others might have en­
riched or imbelliſhed them: But that partly
for this Reaſon, and partly for that touch'd
upon a little before, It is poſsible I may
have mention'd ſome Notions already pub­
liſh'd by others, without taking notice of the
Authors, not out of any deſign to defraud
deſerving Men, but for want of knowing
ſuch particulars to have been already pub­
liſh'd by them: Eſpecially the Experiments
of our Engine being themſelves ſufficient
to hint ſuch Notions as we build upon
The order of the Experiments every
Reader may alter, as ſuits beſt with his own
Deſign in peruſing them; For not onely all

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