Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of handwritten notes

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186That the Moon may be a World. being placed where the Head of the other is,
and ſo two other Men croſs them, yet all theſe
Men thus ſituated according to this Opinion,
ſhould ſtand upright, and many other ſuch groſs
conſequences would follow (ſaith he) which a
falſe Imagination is not able to fancy as poſſi-
Upon which Conſiderations, Bede alſo
denies the being of any Antipodes, Neque enim
11De ratione
Cap. 32.
Antipodarum ullatenus fabulis accommodandus aſ-
‘Nor ſhould we any longer aſſent to the
‘Fable of Antipodes.
So alſo Lucretius the
Poet ſpeaking of the ſame Subject, ſays,
Sed vanus ſtolidis hæc omnia finxerit Error.
22De nat. re-
rum, Lib. 1
That ſome idle fancy feigned theſe, for Fools
to believe.
Of this Opinion was Procopius
Gazæus, but he was perſwaded to it by ano-
33Coment. in
1. Cap. Gen.
ther kind of Reaſon;
for he thought that all
the Earth under us was ſunk into the Water,
according to the ſaying of the Pſalmiſt, He
44Pſal. 24. 2. hath founded the Earth upon the Seas;
therefore he accounted it not inhabited by any.
Nay, Toſtatus a Man of later Years, and gene-
ral Learning, doth alſo confidently deny that
there are any ſuch Antipodes, though the
Reaſon which he urges for it, be not ſo abſurd
55Comment, in
1. Geniſ.
as the former;
For the Apoſtles, ſaith he, tra-
velled through the whole habitable World,
but they never paſſed the Equinoctial;
and if
you anſwer that they are ſaid to go through
all the Earth, becauſe they went through all
the known World, he replies, that this is not
ſufficient, ſince Chriſt would have all Men to
be ſaved, and come to the Knowledge of his
661 Tim. 2. 4. Truth, and therefore it is requiſite that

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