25373That the Earth may be a Planet.
and it abideth.
Thus likewiſe, Pſal.
Who laid the Foundations of the Earth, that it
ſhould not be removed for ever. The latter of
which, being well weighed in its Original,
(ſaith Mr. Fuller) does in three emphatical
11Miſcel l.1.
c.15. words, ſtrongly conclude the Earth's im-
Who laid the Foundations of the Earth, that it
ſhould not be removed for ever. The latter of
which, being well weighed in its Original,
(ſaith Mr. Fuller) does in three emphatical
11Miſcel l.1.
c.15. words, ſtrongly conclude the Earth's im-
As firſt, when he ſays, רט’ fundavit, he
hath founded it: wherein it is implied, that
it does not change its place. To which may
be added all thoſe Texts, which ſo frequent-
ly ſpeak of the Foundations of the Earth; as
alſo that expreſſion of the Pſalmiſt, where
he mentions the Pillars of the Earth, Pſalm.
75. 3.
hath founded it: wherein it is implied, that
it does not change its place. To which may
be added all thoſe Texts, which ſo frequent-
ly ſpeak of the Foundations of the Earth; as
alſo that expreſſion of the Pſalmiſt, where
he mentions the Pillars of the Earth, Pſalm.
75. 3.
The ſecond word is (ה’גרבמ), tranſla-
ted Baſis; and by the Septuagint, ’{ἐπὶ} τ{ιὼ}
ασφάλ{ει}αν ὰυτῦs; ; that is, he hath founded
it upon its own firmneſs; and therefore it is
altogether without motion.
ted Baſis; and by the Septuagint, ’{ἐπὶ} τ{ιὼ}
ασφάλ{ει}αν ὰυτῦs; ; that is, he hath founded
it upon its own firmneſs; and therefore it is
altogether without motion.
The third expreſſion is טומת♑לב, from
the Root, טומ, which ſignifies declinare;
implying, that it could not wag with the
leaſt kind of declination.
the Root, טומ, which ſignifies declinare;
implying, that it could not wag with the
leaſt kind of declination.
Firſt, For the word, רם’ fundavit, It can-
not be underſtood properly, as if the natu-
tural Frame of the Earth, like other artiſi-
cial Buildings, did need any bottom to up-
hold it; for he hangeth the Earth upon no-
thing, Job 26. 7. But it is a Metaphor, and
ſignifies God's placing or ſcituating this
Globe of Land and Water. As David tells
us of the Pillars of the Earth: ſo Job
not be underſtood properly, as if the natu-
tural Frame of the Earth, like other artiſi-
cial Buildings, did need any bottom to up-
hold it; for he hangeth the Earth upon no-
thing, Job 26. 7. But it is a Metaphor, and
ſignifies God's placing or ſcituating this
Globe of Land and Water. As David tells
us of the Pillars of the Earth: ſo Job