21232That the Earth may be a Planet.
What need the King of Babylon ſend
thither to enquire after it? If you reply,
becauſe it was occaſioned by Hezekiah's Re-
covery. I anſwer, ’Tis not likely that the
Heathens would ever believe ſo great a Mi-
racle ſhould be wrought, meerly for a Sign
of one Man's recovery from a Diſeaſe; but
would rather be apt to think that it was
done for ſome more remarkable purpoſe,
and that by ſome of their own Gods, unto
whom they attributed a far greater power,
than unto any other. 'Tis more probable,
that they might hear ſome flying Rumour
of a Miracle that was ſeen in Judea; which,
becauſe it hapned only in Hezekiab's Houſe
and Dial, and that too upon his recovery
from a dangerous ſickneſs, they might be
more apt to believe that it was a ſign of
thither to enquire after it? If you reply,
becauſe it was occaſioned by Hezekiah's Re-
covery. I anſwer, ’Tis not likely that the
Heathens would ever believe ſo great a Mi-
racle ſhould be wrought, meerly for a Sign
of one Man's recovery from a Diſeaſe; but
would rather be apt to think that it was
done for ſome more remarkable purpoſe,
and that by ſome of their own Gods, unto
whom they attributed a far greater power,
than unto any other. 'Tis more probable,
that they might hear ſome flying Rumour
of a Miracle that was ſeen in Judea; which,
becauſe it hapned only in Hezekiab's Houſe
and Dial, and that too upon his recovery
from a dangerous ſickneſs, they might be
more apt to believe that it was a ſign of
Why have we no mention made of it
in the Writings of the Ancients? It is no
way likely, that ſo great a Miracle as this
was (if it were in the Sun) ſhould have
been paſſed over in ſilence; Eſpecially, ſince
it hapned in thoſe later Times, when there
were many Heathen Writers that flouriſhed
in the World, Heſiod, Archilochus, Symo-
nides; and not long after, Homer, with di-
vers others; and yet none of them have the
leaſt mention of any ſuch Prodigy. We
have many relations of Matters that were
leſs obſervable, which were done about that
Time; the Hiſtory of Numa Pompilius, Gy-
ges; the fight betwixt the three
in the Writings of the Ancients? It is no
way likely, that ſo great a Miracle as this
was (if it were in the Sun) ſhould have
been paſſed over in ſilence; Eſpecially, ſince
it hapned in thoſe later Times, when there
were many Heathen Writers that flouriſhed
in the World, Heſiod, Archilochus, Symo-
nides; and not long after, Homer, with di-
vers others; and yet none of them have the
leaſt mention of any ſuch Prodigy. We
have many relations of Matters that were
leſs obſervable, which were done about that
Time; the Hiſtory of Numa Pompilius, Gy-
ges; the fight betwixt the three