320140That the Earth may be a Planet.
curſu omnia terat, ſaith Calcagnius.
ever, though we fuppoſe the Etymology to
be never fo true and genuine, yet it can at
the beſt but ſhew what the more common
opinion was of thoſe times when ſuch names
were firſt impoſed.
ever, though we fuppoſe the Etymology to
be never fo true and genuine, yet it can at
the beſt but ſhew what the more common
opinion was of thoſe times when ſuch names
were firſt impoſed.
But ſuppoſe all this were ſo, That
the Earth had ſuch a diurnal Revolution;
yet how is it conceivable, that it ſhould
at the ſame time have two diſtinct Mo-
the Earth had ſuch a diurnal Revolution;
yet how is it conceivable, that it ſhould
at the ſame time have two diſtinct Mo-