22545That the Earth may be a Planet.
when as neither Pythagoras, nor
Copernicus, nor any elſe, had then diſco-
vered it?
Copernicus, nor any elſe, had then diſco-
vered it?
In taking the compaſs of this Veſſel,
11Ibid. they meaſured ſomewhat below the brim,
where it was narrower than at the top, and
ſo the Circumference there, might be exactly
but thirty Cubits; whereof its Diameter
was ten.
11Ibid. they meaſured ſomewhat below the brim,
where it was narrower than at the top, and
ſo the Circumference there, might be exactly
but thirty Cubits; whereof its Diameter
was ten.
I anſwer:
’Tis evident this is a meer
ſhift, there being not the leaſt ground for
it in the Text. And then beſides, why might
not we affirm, That the Diameter was mea-
ſured from that place, as well as the Circum-
ference? ſince ’tis very probable, that the
Holy Ghoſt did ſpeak ad idem; and not tell
us the breadth of one place, and the com-
paſs of another. So that all our Adverſa-
ries Evaſions cannot well avoid the force of
the Argument that is taken from this Scrip-
ſhift, there being not the leaſt ground for
it in the Text. And then beſides, why might
not we affirm, That the Diameter was mea-
ſured from that place, as well as the Circum-
ference? ſince ’tis very probable, that the
Holy Ghoſt did ſpeak ad idem; and not tell
us the breadth of one place, and the com-
paſs of another. So that all our Adverſa-
ries Evaſions cannot well avoid the force of
the Argument that is taken from this Scrip-
Common People uſually conceive
the Earth to be ſuch a Plain, as in its utmoſt
parts is terminated by the Heavens, ſo that
if a Man were in the farthermoſt Coaſts of
it, he might touch the Sky. And hence al-
ſo, they think that the reaſon why ſome
Countries are hotter than others, is, becauſe
they lie nearer unto the Sun. Nay, Strabo
tells us of ſome Philoſophers too, who in
this Point have groſly erred; affirming, that
there was a place towards the utmoſt Coaſts
of Luſitania, where a Man might hear the
noiſe that the Sun made, as he quench’d
the Earth to be ſuch a Plain, as in its utmoſt
parts is terminated by the Heavens, ſo that
if a Man were in the farthermoſt Coaſts of
it, he might touch the Sky. And hence al-
ſo, they think that the reaſon why ſome
Countries are hotter than others, is, becauſe
they lie nearer unto the Sun. Nay, Strabo
tells us of ſome Philoſophers too, who in
this Point have groſly erred; affirming, that
there was a place towards the utmoſt Coaſts
of Luſitania, where a Man might hear the
noiſe that the Sun made, as he quench’d