341161That the Earth may be a Planet.
God, from the beginning to the end.
we may diſcern divers things in the World,
which may argue the infinite Wiſdom and
Power of the Author; yet there will be al-
ways ſome Particulars left for our diſpute
and enquiry, and we ſhall never be able,
with all our induſtry, to attain a perfect
comprehenſion of the Creatures, or to find
them wholly out, from the beginning to the
we may diſcern divers things in the World,
which may argue the infinite Wiſdom and
Power of the Author; yet there will be al-
ways ſome Particulars left for our diſpute
and enquiry, and we ſhall never be able,
with all our induſtry, to attain a perfect
comprehenſion of the Creatures, or to find
them wholly out, from the beginning to the
The Providence of God having thus con-
Sacr. Phi-
lof. c. 64. trived it, that ſo Man might look for ano-
ther Life after this, when all his longing
and thirſt ſhall be fully ſatisfied. For ſince
no natural Appetite is in vain, it muſt ne-
ceſſarily follow, that there is a poſſibility of
attaining ſo much knowledg, as ſhall be com-
menſurate unto thoſe deſires; which becauſe
it is not to be had in this World, it will
behove us then to expect and provide for
Sacr. Phi-
lof. c. 64. trived it, that ſo Man might look for ano-
ther Life after this, when all his longing
and thirſt ſhall be fully ſatisfied. For ſince
no natural Appetite is in vain, it muſt ne-
ceſſarily follow, that there is a poſſibility of
attaining ſo much knowledg, as ſhall be com-
menſurate unto thoſe deſires; which becauſe
it is not to be had in this World, it will
behove us then to expect and provide for