340160That the Earth may be a Planet.
days, does obſerve a Revolution about its
own Axis, and ſo carry along the Planets
that encompaſs it; which Planets are
therefore ſlower or ſwifter, according to
their diſtances from him.
own Axis, and ſo carry along the Planets
that encompaſs it; which Planets are
therefore ſlower or ſwifter, according to
their diſtances from him.
He anſwers:
By ſending forth a kind of
Magnetick Virtue in ſtreight Lines, from
each part of its Body; of which there is
always a conſtant ſucceſſion: ſo that as
ſoon as one Beam of this Vigor has paſſed a
Planet, there is another preſently takes hold
of it, like the Teeth of a Wheel.
Magnetick Virtue in ſtreight Lines, from
each part of its Body; of which there is
always a conſtant ſucceſſion: ſo that as
ſoon as one Beam of this Vigor has paſſed a
Planet, there is another preſently takes hold
of it, like the Teeth of a Wheel.
He anſwers:
Firſt, as Light and Heat,
together with thoſe other ſecret Influences,
which work upon Minerals in the Bowels of
the Earth: ſo likewiſe may the Sun ſend
forth a Magnetick Motive Virtue, whoſe
Power may be continued to the fartheſt Pla-
together with thoſe other ſecret Influences,
which work upon Minerals in the Bowels of
the Earth: ſo likewiſe may the Sun ſend
forth a Magnetick Motive Virtue, whoſe
Power may be continued to the fartheſt Pla-