343163That the Earth may be a Planet.
Or Sence ſhould make choice of no better an
Argument to conclude his Book withal, than
that which we reade at the latter end of
Al. Roſſ. where he infers, that the Earth does
not move, becauſe then the ſhadow in a Sun-
Dial would not be altered.
Argument to conclude his Book withal, than
that which we reade at the latter end of
Al. Roſſ. where he infers, that the Earth does
not move, becauſe then the ſhadow in a Sun-
Dial would not be altered.
As for the difference of Months, we ſay,
That the divers Illuminations of the Moon,
the different bigneſs of her Body, her re-
maining for a longer or ſhorter time in the
Earth's ſhadow, when ſhe is eclipſed, & c.
may well enough be ſolved by ſuppoſing her
to move above our Earth, in an Eccentrical
Epicycle. Thus,
That the divers Illuminations of the Moon,
the different bigneſs of her Body, her re-
maining for a longer or ſhorter time in the
Earth's ſhadow, when ſhe is eclipſed, & c.
may well enough be ſolved by ſuppoſing her
to move above our Earth, in an Eccentrical
Epicycle. Thus,