344164That the Earth may be a Planet.
14[Figure 14]
In which kind of Hypotheſis there will be a
double difference of Motion. The one cauſed
by the different ſcituation of the Moon's Bo-
dy in its own Eccentrick. The other by the
different ſcituation of the Moons Orb in the
Earth's Eccentrick: which is ſo exactly an-
ſwerable to the Motions and Appearances of
this Planet, that from hence Lansbergius draws
an Argument for this Syſtem of the Heavens,
which in the ſtrength of his confidence he
calls, Demonſtr ationem ’ζπιςηγεονιυUlot; ù, cui nullâ
ratione poteſt contradici.
double difference of Motion. The one cauſed
by the different ſcituation of the Moon's Bo-
dy in its own Eccentrick. The other by the
different ſcituation of the Moons Orb in the
Earth's Eccentrick: which is ſo exactly an-
ſwerable to the Motions and Appearances of
this Planet, that from hence Lansbergius draws
an Argument for this Syſtem of the Heavens,
which in the ſtrength of his confidence he
calls, Demonſtr ationem ’ζπιςηγεονιυUlot; ù, cui nullâ
ratione poteſt contradici.
As for the difference betwixt Winter
and Summer; betwixt the number and length
of Days, which appertain to each of thoſe
Seaſons: the ſeeming motion of the Sun from
one Sign to another in the Zodiack: All this
may eaſily be ſolved, by ſuppoſing the Earth
to move in an Eccentrical Orb about the Sun.
and Summer; betwixt the number and length
of Days, which appertain to each of thoſe
Seaſons: the ſeeming motion of the Sun from
one Sign to another in the Zodiack: All this
may eaſily be ſolved, by ſuppoſing the Earth
to move in an Eccentrical Orb about the Sun.