Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of handwritten notes

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9078That the Moon may be a World. Scotland, whoſe greateſt protection hath been
the natural Strength of their Country, ſo For-
tified with Mountains, that theſe have always
been unto them ſure Retreats from the Vio-
lence and Oppreſſion of others.
a good Author doth rightly call them Natures
Bul-warks, caſt up at God Almighties own
charges, the ſcorns and curbs of victorious
which made the Barbarians in Gurtius
ſo confident of their own ſafety, when they
were once retir'd into an acceſſable Mountain,
that when Alexanders Legat had brought them
to a Parley, and perſwading them to yield, told
them of his Maſters Victories, what Seas and
Wilderneſſes he had paſſed;
they replyed, that
all that might be, but could Alexander fly too?
Over the Seas he might have Ships, and over
the Land Horſes, but he muſt have Wings be-
fore he could get up thither.
Such ſafety did
thoſe barbarous Nations conceive in the Moun-
ttins whereunto they were retired.
then ſuch uſeful parts were not the effects of
Mans Sin, or produced by the Worlds Curſe,
the Flood, but rather at firſt created by the
Goodneſs and Providence of the Almighty.
This Truth is uſually concluded from theſe
and the like Arguments.
1. Becauſe the Scripture it ſelf, in the De-
ſcription of that general Deluge, tells us, it
overflowed the higheſt Mountains.
2. Becauſe Moſes, who writ long after the
Flood, does yet give the ſame Deſcription
of places and Rivers, as they had before;
which could not well have been, if this had
made ſo ſtrange an Alteration.

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