Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of handwritten notes

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319139That the Earth may be a Planet. him, in the very ſame place, that Time
does not abſolutely, and univerſally depend
upon the Motion of the Heavens, ſed in mot@
ſucceſſione cujuſlibet durationis, but in any
fuch ſucceſſion, by which duration may be
As for that in the Romans, we ſay, that
there are other Vanities to which the Hea-
venly Bodies are ſubject.
As firſt, unto
many changes and alterations, witnefs thoſe
Comets, which at ſeveral times have been
diſcerned amongſt them;
and then like-
wife to that general corruption, in which
all the Creatures ſhall be involved at the laſt
When they ſhall paſs away with a great
112 Pet. 3.
10, 12.
noiſe, and the Elements ſhall melt with fervent
Thus you ſee, there is not any ſuch in-
vincible ſtrength in theſe Arguments, as
might cauſe the Author of them to tri-
umph before-hand with any great noiſe of
Another Objection like unto theſe, is ta-
ken from the Etymology of ſeveral words.
Thus the Heavens are called Æthera, ab
ἀεὶ θεῖν, becauſe they are always in motion;

and the Earth Veſta, quia vi ſtat, becauſe of
its immobility.
To which I anſwer: ’Twere no difficult
matter to find ſuch proofs for this opinion,
as well as againſt it.
Thus we may ſay, that the Hebrew word
ערא, is derived from עער, quia currit;
Terra, non quod teratur, ſed quod

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