115103That the Moon may be a World.
the ſame Darkneſs from the Eclipſes, being
alſo ſeverally helped by one another in their
greateſt wants: For when the Moon is in
Conjunction with the Sun, and her upper part
receives all the Light, then her lower Hemi-
ſphere (which would otherwiſe be altogether
dark) is enlightned by the Reſlexion of the
Sun-Beams from the Earth. When theſe two
Planets are in Oppoſition, then that part of the
Earth which could not receive any Light from
the Sun-Beams, is moſt Enlightned by the
Moon, being then in the Full; and as ſhe doth
moſt Illuminate the Earth when the Sun-Beams
cannot, ſo the grateful Earth returns to her as
great (nay greater) Light when ſhe moſt wants
it; ſo that always that viſible part of the Moon
which receives nothing from the Sun, is en-
lightned by the Earth, as is prov’d by Galiæ-
us, with many more Arguments in that Trea-
tiſe which he calls Syſtema mundi. True in-
deed, when the Moon comes to a quartile,
then you can neither diſcern this Light, nor
yet the darker part of her Body, and that for
a double Reaſon.
alſo ſeverally helped by one another in their
greateſt wants: For when the Moon is in
Conjunction with the Sun, and her upper part
receives all the Light, then her lower Hemi-
ſphere (which would otherwiſe be altogether
dark) is enlightned by the Reſlexion of the
Sun-Beams from the Earth. When theſe two
Planets are in Oppoſition, then that part of the
Earth which could not receive any Light from
the Sun-Beams, is moſt Enlightned by the
Moon, being then in the Full; and as ſhe doth
moſt Illuminate the Earth when the Sun-Beams
cannot, ſo the grateful Earth returns to her as
great (nay greater) Light when ſhe moſt wants
it; ſo that always that viſible part of the Moon
which receives nothing from the Sun, is en-
lightned by the Earth, as is prov’d by Galiæ-
us, with many more Arguments in that Trea-
tiſe which he calls Syſtema mundi. True in-
deed, when the Moon comes to a quartile,
then you can neither diſcern this Light, nor
yet the darker part of her Body, and that for
a double Reaſon.