Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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1likewiſe moveth with like velocity, nor doth it depart from reſt,
but from a motion equal to that of the Earth, wherewith it
mixeth the ſupervenient motion of deſcent, and of thoſe two
poſeth a third which is tranſverſal or ſide-ways.
The ſolution of
the argument
ken from
Guns ſhot towards
the East & Weſt.
SIMP. But for Gods ſake, if it move tranſverſly, how is it that
I behold it to move directly and perpendicularly?
This is no
ter than the denial of manifeſt ſenſe; and if we may not believe
ſenſe, at what other door ſhall we enter into diſquiſitions of
SALV. In reſpect to the Earth, to the Tower, and to our ſelves,
which all as one piece move with the diurnal motion together with
the ſtone, the diurnal motion is as if it never had been, and
eth inſenſible, imperceptible, and without any action at all; and
the onely motion which we can perceive, is that of which we
take not, that is the deſcent gliding along the ſide of the Tower:
You are not the firſt that hath felt great repugnance in
ding this non-operating of motion upon things to which it is
SAGR. Now I do remember a certain conceipt, that came one

day into my fancy, whilſt I ſailed in my voyage to Aleppo, whither
I went Conſul for our Countrey, and poſſibly it may be of ſome
uſe, for explaining this nullity of operation of common motion,
and being as if it never were to all the partakers thereof.
And if
it ſtand with the good liking of Simplicius, I will reaſon with
him upon that which then I thought of by my ſelf alone.
A notable caſe
of Sagredus, to ſhew
the non-operating
of common motion.
SIMP. The novelty of the things which I hear, makes me not
ſo much a patient, as a greedy and curious auditor: therefore go
SAGR. If the neb of a writing pen, that I carried along with
me in the ſhip, through all my navigation from Venice to ^{*} Scan-

deron, had had a facultie of leaving viſible marks of its whole
age, what ſigns, what marks, what lines would it have left?
* Aleſſandretta.
SIMP. It would have left a line diſtended from Venice thither,
not perfectly ſtreight, or to ſay better, diſtended in a perfect arch
of a circle, but in ſome places more, in ſome leſs curved, according
as the veſſel had gone more or leſs fluctuating; but this its
cting in ſome places a fathom or two to the right hand or to the
left, upwards or downwards, in a length of many hundred miles,
would have brought but little alteration to the intire tract of the
line, ſo that it would have been hardly ſenſible; and without any
conſiderable error, might have been called the part of a perfect
SAGR. So that the true and moſt exact motion of the neb of
my pen would have alſo been an arch of a perfect circle, if the
veſſels motion, the fluctuation of the billows ceaſing, had been

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