21535That the Earth may be a Planet.
That the Holy Ghoſt, in many places of
# Scripture, does plainly conform his Ex-
# preſſions unto the Errors of our Con-
# ceits; and does not ſpeak of divers
# things as they are in themſelves, but as
# they appear unto us.
# Scripture, does plainly conform his Ex-
# preſſions unto the Errors of our Con-
# ceits; and does not ſpeak of divers
# things as they are in themſelves, but as
# they appear unto us.
THere is not any particular by which
Philoſophy hath been more endamaged,
than the ignorant ſuperſtition of ſome Men,
who, in ſtating the Controverſies of it, do
ſo cloſely adhere unto the meer words of
Scripture. Quamplurima occurrunt in libris
ſacris ad natur am pertinentia, & c. They are
the words of Vatleſius. ‘There are 11Proa@.
ad Phil.
Sacram. ‘ dry things in Holy Writ, concerning Na-
‘ tural Points, which moſt Men think are not
‘ ſo to be underſtood, as if the Holy Ghoſt
‘ did intend to unfold unto us any thing in
‘ that kind : but referring all to the ſalva-
‘ tion of our Souls, does ſpeak of other mat-
‘ ters according to common Opinion.
Philoſophy hath been more endamaged,
than the ignorant ſuperſtition of ſome Men,
who, in ſtating the Controverſies of it, do
ſo cloſely adhere unto the meer words of
Scripture. Quamplurima occurrunt in libris
ſacris ad natur am pertinentia, & c. They are
the words of Vatleſius. ‘There are 11Proa@.
ad Phil.
Sacram. ‘ dry things in Holy Writ, concerning Na-
‘ tural Points, which moſt Men think are not
‘ ſo to be underſtood, as if the Holy Ghoſt
‘ did intend to unfold unto us any thing in
‘ that kind : but referring all to the ſalva-
‘ tion of our Souls, does ſpeak of other mat-
‘ ters according to common Opinion.