26585That the Earth may be a Planet.
we fancy about it, FGHI the Orb of fixed
Stars, R the Centre of them. Now though
the Arch, G F I, be bigger than the other,
GHI, yet notwithſtanding, to the Eye on
the Earth A, one will appear a Semicircle as
well as the other; becauſe the Imagination
does transfer all thoſe Stars into the leſſer
Circle, BCDE, which it does fancy to be
deſcribed above that Centre. Nay, though
there were a habitable Earth, at a far grea-
ter diſtance from the Centre of the World,
even in the place of Jupiter; as ſuppoſe at
Q, yet then alſo would there be the ſame
appearance. For though the Arch, KFL,
in the ſtarry Heaven, were twice as big as
the other, KHL, yet notwithſtanding, at
the Earth Q, they would both appear but
as equal Hemiſpheres, being transferred in-
to that other Circle, MNOP, which is part
of the Sphere that the Eye deſcribes to it
ſelf about the Earth.
Stars, R the Centre of them. Now though
the Arch, G F I, be bigger than the other,
GHI, yet notwithſtanding, to the Eye on
the Earth A, one will appear a Semicircle as
well as the other; becauſe the Imagination
does transfer all thoſe Stars into the leſſer
Circle, BCDE, which it does fancy to be
deſcribed above that Centre. Nay, though
there were a habitable Earth, at a far grea-
ter diſtance from the Centre of the World,
even in the place of Jupiter; as ſuppoſe at
Q, yet then alſo would there be the ſame
appearance. For though the Arch, KFL,
in the ſtarry Heaven, were twice as big as
the other, KHL, yet notwithſtanding, at
the Earth Q, they would both appear but
as equal Hemiſpheres, being transferred in-
to that other Circle, MNOP, which is part
of the Sphere that the Eye deſcribes to it
ſelf about the Earth.