1grave bodies falling from the top of a Tower, and from
ctions made perpendicularly upwards, or according to any
tion ſidewayes towards the Eaſt, Weſt, North, South, &c. have
ſomewhat abated in me the antiquated incredulity I had conceived
againſt that opinion: but other greater doubts run in my mind
at this very inſtant, which I know not in the leaſt how to free my
ſelf of, and haply you your ſelf will not be able to reſolve them;
nay, its poſſible you may not have heard them, for they are very
modern. And theſe are the objections of two Authours, that ex
profeſſo write againſt Copernicus. Some of which are read in a
little Tract of natural concluſions; The reſt are by a great both
Philoſopher and Mathematician, inſerted in a Treatiſe which he
hath written in favour of Aristotle, and his opinion touching the
inalterability of the Heavens, where he proveth, that not onely
the Comets, but alſo the new ſtars, namely, that anno 1572. in
Caſſiopeia, and that anno 1604. in Sagittarius were not above the
Spheres of the Planets, but abſolutely beneath the concave of
the Moon in the Elementary Sphere, and this he demonſtrateth
gainſt Tycho, Kepler, and many other Aftronomical Obſervators,
and beateth them at their own weapon; to wit, the Doctrine of
Parallaxes. If you like thereof, I will give you the reaſons of
both theſe Authours, for I have read them more than once,
with attention; and you may examine their ſtrength, and give
your opinion thereon.
ctions made perpendicularly upwards, or according to any
tion ſidewayes towards the Eaſt, Weſt, North, South, &c. have
ſomewhat abated in me the antiquated incredulity I had conceived
againſt that opinion: but other greater doubts run in my mind
at this very inſtant, which I know not in the leaſt how to free my
ſelf of, and haply you your ſelf will not be able to reſolve them;
nay, its poſſible you may not have heard them, for they are very
modern. And theſe are the objections of two Authours, that ex
profeſſo write againſt Copernicus. Some of which are read in a
little Tract of natural concluſions; The reſt are by a great both
Philoſopher and Mathematician, inſerted in a Treatiſe which he
hath written in favour of Aristotle, and his opinion touching the
inalterability of the Heavens, where he proveth, that not onely
the Comets, but alſo the new ſtars, namely, that anno 1572. in
Caſſiopeia, and that anno 1604. in Sagittarius were not above the
Spheres of the Planets, but abſolutely beneath the concave of
the Moon in the Elementary Sphere, and this he demonſtrateth
gainſt Tycho, Kepler, and many other Aftronomical Obſervators,
and beateth them at their own weapon; to wit, the Doctrine of
Parallaxes. If you like thereof, I will give you the reaſons of
both theſe Authours, for I have read them more than once,
with attention; and you may examine their ſtrength, and give
your opinion thereon.
Other objections
of two modern
thors against
of two modern
thors against
SALV. In regard that our principal end is to bring upon the
ſtage, and to conſider what ever hath been ſaid for, or againſt the
two Syſtemes, Ptolomaick, and Copernican, it is not good to omit
any thing that hath been written on this ſubject.
ſtage, and to conſider what ever hath been ſaid for, or againſt the
two Syſtemes, Ptolomaick, and Copernican, it is not good to omit
any thing that hath been written on this ſubject.
SIMP. I will begin therefore with the objections which I finde
in the Treatiſe of Concluſions, and afterwards proceed to the
reſt. In the firſt place then, he beſtoweth much paines in
lating exactly how many miles an hour a point of the terreſtrial
Globe ſituate under the Equinoctial, goeth, and how many miles
are paſt by other points ſituate in other parallels: and not being
content with finding out ſuch motions in horary times, he findeth
them alſo in a minute of an hour; and not contenting himſelf
with a minute, he findes them alſo in a ſecond minute; yea more,
he goeth on to ſhew plainly, how many miles a Cannon bullet
would go in the ſame time, being placed in the concave of the
nar Orb, ſuppoſing it alſo as big as Copernicus himſelf repreſenteth
it, to take away all ſubterfuges from his adverſary. And having
made this moſt ingenious and exquiſite ſupputation, he ſheweth,
that a grave body falling from thence above would conſume more
than ſix dayes in attaining to the centre of the Earth, to which all
grave bodies naturally move. Now if by the abſolute Divine
in the Treatiſe of Concluſions, and afterwards proceed to the
reſt. In the firſt place then, he beſtoweth much paines in
lating exactly how many miles an hour a point of the terreſtrial
Globe ſituate under the Equinoctial, goeth, and how many miles
are paſt by other points ſituate in other parallels: and not being
content with finding out ſuch motions in horary times, he findeth
them alſo in a minute of an hour; and not contenting himſelf
with a minute, he findes them alſo in a ſecond minute; yea more,
he goeth on to ſhew plainly, how many miles a Cannon bullet
would go in the ſame time, being placed in the concave of the
nar Orb, ſuppoſing it alſo as big as Copernicus himſelf repreſenteth
it, to take away all ſubterfuges from his adverſary. And having
made this moſt ingenious and exquiſite ſupputation, he ſheweth,
that a grave body falling from thence above would conſume more
than ſix dayes in attaining to the centre of the Earth, to which all
grave bodies naturally move. Now if by the abſolute Divine