Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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            <p type="head">
              <s>To the Noble and moſt perfectly Accompliſhed
              S^{t.} JOHN DENHAM
              Knight of the Noble Order of the
              And Surveyor General of his Ma^{ties} Works, &c.</s>
            <p type="main">
            <p type="main">
              <s>I humbly begge your Pardon for
              bringing this Book under your Pro­
              tection. </s>
              <s>Were it a Work of my
              own, or I any thing but the Tranſla­
              tour, I should maſter my Thoughts to a meaner
              Dedication; But being a Collection of ſome of
              the greateſt Maſters in the World, and never
              made English till now, I conceived I might
              ſooner procure their Welcome to a perſon ſo
              eminent for Noble Candor, as well as for all
              thoſe Intellectual Excellencies wherewith
              Your Rich Soulis known to be furnished. </s>
              reſolv'd to be as kind to this Book as I could, </s>