2715That the Moon may be a World.
Light Body upwards, what a hudling and con-
fuſion muſt there be, if there were two pla-
ces for Gravity, and two places for Lightneſs:
for it is probable that the Earth of that other
World would fall down to this Centre, and ſo
mutually the Air and Fire here aſcend to thoſe
Regions in the other, which muſt needs much
derogate from the Providence of Nature, and
cauſe a great diſorder in his Works. But ratio
bæc eſt minimè firma, (ſaith Zancby.) And if
11De operibus
Dei. part 2.
lib 2. cap. 2 you well confider the nature of Gravity, you
will plainly ſee there is no ground to fear any
ſuch Confuſion; for Heavineſs is nothing elſe
but ſuch a quality as cauſes a Propenſion in its
Subject to tend downwards towards its own
Centre; ſo that for ſome of that Earth to
come hither, would not be ſaid a Fall, but
an Aſcenſion, ſince it moved from its own
place; and this would be impoſſible (ſaith Ru-
vio) becauſe againſt Nature, and therefore
no more to be feared, than the falling of the
22De Cœle. 1.
I. c. 9. 9.1.Heavens.
fuſion muſt there be, if there were two pla-
ces for Gravity, and two places for Lightneſs:
for it is probable that the Earth of that other
World would fall down to this Centre, and ſo
mutually the Air and Fire here aſcend to thoſe
Regions in the other, which muſt needs much
derogate from the Providence of Nature, and
cauſe a great diſorder in his Works. But ratio
bæc eſt minimè firma, (ſaith Zancby.) And if
11De operibus
Dei. part 2.
lib 2. cap. 2 you well confider the nature of Gravity, you
will plainly ſee there is no ground to fear any
ſuch Confuſion; for Heavineſs is nothing elſe
but ſuch a quality as cauſes a Propenſion in its
Subject to tend downwards towards its own
Centre; ſo that for ſome of that Earth to
come hither, would not be ſaid a Fall, but
an Aſcenſion, ſince it moved from its own
place; and this would be impoſſible (ſaith Ru-
vio) becauſe againſt Nature, and therefore
no more to be feared, than the falling of the
22De Cœle. 1.
I. c. 9. 9.1.Heavens.
If you reply, that then according to this
there muſt be more Centres of Gravity than
one; I anſwer, ’Tis very probable there are,
nor can we well Conceive what any piece of
the Moon would do, being ſever'd from the
reſt in the free and open Air, but only return
unto it again.
there muſt be more Centres of Gravity than
one; I anſwer, ’Tis very probable there are,
nor can we well Conceive what any piece of
the Moon would do, being ſever'd from the
reſt in the free and open Air, but only return
unto it again.
Another Argument he had from his Maſter
l. 12. c. 1.
Diog. Laer.
lib. 2. Plato, that there is but one World, becauſe
there is but one firſt Mover, God.
l. 12. c. 1.
Diog. Laer.
lib. 2. Plato, that there is but one World, becauſe
there is but one firſt Mover, God.
Infirma etiam eſt bæc ratio (ſaith Zancby) and
we muſt juſtly deny the Conſequence, ſince a
Plurality of Worlds doth not take away
we muſt juſtly deny the Conſequence, ſince a
Plurality of Worlds doth not take away