Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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1incavity one may form Spheres of ſeveral magnitudes. But what

is required to the making of an Horſe, or (as you ſay) of a
hopper, I leave to you to judge, who know that there are but few
ſtatuaries in the world able to undertake ſuch a piece of work.
And I think that herein Simplicius will not diſſent from me.
The Sphericall
Figure is eaſier to
be made than any
The circular
gure only is placed
amongst the
lata of
* Demands or
gures of ſundry
magnitudes may
be made with one
onely inſtrument.
SIMP. I know not whether I do at all diffent from you; my
opinion is this, that none of the afore-named figures can be
fectly obteined; but for the approaching as neer as is poſſible to
the moſt perfect degree, I believe that it is incomparably more
ſie to reduce the Solid into a Spherical figure, than into the ſhape
of an Horſe, or Graſſe-hopper?
SAGR. And this greater difficulty, wherein think you doth it
SIMP. Like as the great facility in forming the Sphere ariſeth

from its abſolute ſimplicity and uniformity ſo the great
larity rendereth the conſtruction of all other figures difficult.
Irregular forms
difficult to be
SAGR. Therefore the irregularity being the cauſe of the
culty, than the figure of a ſtone broken with an hammer by
chance, ſhall be one of the figures that are difficult to be
ced, it being perhaps more irregular than that of the horſe?
SIMP. So it ſhould be.
SAGR. But tell me; that figure what ever it is which the ſtone
hath, hath it the ſame in perfection, or no?
SIMP. What it hath, it hath ſo perfectly, that nothing can be
more exact.
SAGR. Then, if of figures that are irregular, and
ly hard to be procured, there are yet infinite which are moſt
fectly obteined, with what reaſon can it be ſaid, that the moſt
ſimple, and conſequently the moſt eaſie of all, is impoſſible to be
SALV. Gentlemen, with your favour, I may ſay that we have
ſallied out into a diſpute not much more worth than the wool of a
goat; and whereas our argumentations ſhould continually be
verſant about ſerious and weighty points, we conſume our time in

frivolous and impertinent wranglings.
Let us call to minde, I pray
you, that the ſearch of the worlds conſtitution, is one of the
teſt and nobleſt Problems that are in nature; and ſo much the
greater, inaſmuch as it is directed to the reſolving of that other;
to wit, of the cauſe of the Seas ebbing and flowing, enquired
to by all the famous men, that have hitherto been in the world,
and poſſibly found out by none of them.
Therefore if we have
nothing more remaining for the full confutation of the argument
taken from the Earths vertigo, which was the laſt, alledged to
prove its immobility upon its own centre, let us paſſe to the
amination of thoſe things that are alledged for, and againſt the
Annual Motion.

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