Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667
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SALV. It is not enough, Sagredus, that the ſubjects be noble
and great, but the buſineſſe conſiſts in handling it nobly.
who knoweth not, that in the diſſection of the members of
a beaſt, there may be diſcovered infinite wonders of provident
and prudent Nature; and yet for one, that the Anatomiſt
ſects, the butcher cuts up a thouſand.
Thus I, who am now
ſeeking how to ſatisfie your demand, cannot tell with which of the
two ſhapes I had beſt to appear on the Stage; but yet, taking
heart from the example of Simplicius, his Authour, I will,
out more delays, give you an account (if I have not forgot) how
I proceeded.
But before I go any further, I muſt not omit to tell
you, that I much fear that Simplicius hath not faithfully related
the manner how this his Authour found, that the Cannon
let in coming from the concave of the Moon to the centre of the
Earth, would ſpend more than fix dayes: for if he had
ſed that its velocity in deſcending was equal to that of the
concave (as Simplicius ſaith he doth ſuppoſe) he would have
ſhewn himſelf ignorant of the firſt, and more ſimple principles
of Geometry; yea, I admire that Simplicius, in admitting the
ſuppoſition which he ſpeaketh of, doth not ſee the monſtrous
ſurdity that is couched in it.
SIMP. Its poſſible that I may have erred in relating it; but
that I ſee any fallacy in it, I am ſure is not true.
SALV. Perhaps I did not rightly apprehend that which you
ſaid, Do you not ſay, that this Authour maketh the velocity
of the bullet in deſcending equall to that which it had in
ning round, being in the concave of the Moon, and that
ming down with the ſame velocity, it would reach to the centre
in ſix dayes?
SIMP. So, as I think, he writeth.
SALV. And do not you perceive a ſhamefull errour therein?
But queſtionleſſe you diſſemble it: For it cannot be, but that
you ſhould know that the ſemidiameter of the Circle is leſſe than

the ſixth part of the circumference; and that conſequently, the
time in which the moveable ſhall paſſe the ſemidiameter, ſhall be
leſſe than the ſixth part of the time; in which, being moved
with the ſame velocity, it would paſſe the circumference; and
that therefore the bullet deſcending with the velocity,
with it moved in the concave, will arrive in leſſe than four hours
at the centre, ſuppoſing that in the concave one revolution
ſhould be conſummate in twenty four hours, as he muſt of
ceſſity have ſuppoſed it, for to keep it all the way in the ſame
vertical line.
A ſhamefull
errour in the
gument taken from
the bullets falling
out of the Moons
SIMP. Now I thorowly perceive the miſtake: but yet I
would not lay it upon him undeſervedly, for it's poſſible that I

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