24767That the Earth may be a Planet.
tranſlate it, endureth.
For it is not the pur-
poſe of this place, to deny all kind of mo-
tion to the whole Earth: but that of Ge-
neration and Corruption, to which other
things in it are liable, And though Pineda,
and others, keep a great deal of imperti-
nent ſtir about this Scripture, yet they grant
this to be the natural meaning of it; which
you may more clearly diſcern, if you conſi-
der the chief ſcope of this Book; wherein
the Preacher's intent is, to ſhew the extra-
ordinary vanity of all earthly Content-
ments, ver. 2. the utter unprofitableneſs of
all a Man's Labours, ver. 3. And this he il-
luſtrates, by the ſhortneſs and uncertainty
of his Life; in which reſpect, he is below
many of his fellow Creatures, as may be
maniſeſted from theſe four Compariſons.
poſe of this place, to deny all kind of mo-
tion to the whole Earth: but that of Ge-
neration and Corruption, to which other
things in it are liable, And though Pineda,
and others, keep a great deal of imperti-
nent ſtir about this Scripture, yet they grant
this to be the natural meaning of it; which
you may more clearly diſcern, if you conſi-
der the chief ſcope of this Book; wherein
the Preacher's intent is, to ſhew the extra-
ordinary vanity of all earthly Content-
ments, ver. 2. the utter unprofitableneſs of
all a Man's Labours, ver. 3. And this he il-
luſtrates, by the ſhortneſs and uncertainty
of his Life; in which reſpect, he is below
many of his fellow Creatures, as may be
maniſeſted from theſe four Compariſons.
From the Earth, which tho it ſeem to
be but as the Sediment of the World, as the
Rubbiſh of the Creation; yet is this bet-
ter than Man in reſpect of his laſtingneſs,
for one Generation paſſeth away, and another
cometh; but the Earth, that abideth for ever,
ver. 4.
be but as the Sediment of the World, as the
Rubbiſh of the Creation; yet is this bet-
ter than Man in reſpect of his laſtingneſs,
for one Generation paſſeth away, and another
cometh; but the Earth, that abideth for ever,
ver. 4.