298118That the Earth may be a Planet.
For thoſe Magnetical Properties, with
which all theſe Bodies are endowed. For
the better underſtanding of this, you muſt
know, That beſides thoſe common Elemen-
tary Qualities of Heat, Coldneſs, Drineſs,
Moiſture, & c. which ariſe from the pre-
dominancy of ſeveral Elements; there are
likewiſe other Qualities (not ſo well known
to the Ancients) which we call Magnetical,
of which every Particle in the Terreſtrial
Globe does neceſſarily participate: and
whether it be joined to this Globe by conti-
nuity or contiguity; or whether it be ſe-
vered from it, as the Clouds in the ſecond
Region, a Bird or Bullet in the Air; yet
does it ſtill retain its Magnetical Qualities,
together with all thoſe Operations that pro-
ceed from them.
which all theſe Bodies are endowed. For
the better underſtanding of this, you muſt
know, That beſides thoſe common Elemen-
tary Qualities of Heat, Coldneſs, Drineſs,
Moiſture, & c. which ariſe from the pre-
dominancy of ſeveral Elements; there are
likewiſe other Qualities (not ſo well known
to the Ancients) which we call Magnetical,
of which every Particle in the Terreſtrial
Globe does neceſſarily participate: and
whether it be joined to this Globe by conti-
nuity or contiguity; or whether it be ſe-
vered from it, as the Clouds in the ſecond
Region, a Bird or Bullet in the Air; yet
does it ſtill retain its Magnetical Qualities,
together with all thoſe Operations that pro-
ceed from them.