Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets
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120108That the Moon may be a World. niences of Habitation, as the others that are
more Principal.
But it may ſeem a very difficult thing to
conceive, how ſo groſs and Dark a Body as
our Earth, ſhould yield ſuch a clear Light as
proceeds from the Moon;
and therefore Car-
11De Dog. ig.
l. 3. c. 12.
dinal de Cuſa (who thinks every Star to be a ſe-
veral World) is of Opinion, that the Light
of the Sun is not able to make them appear ſo
but the reaſon of their ſhining is, be-
cauſe we behold them at a great diſtance
through their Regions of Fire which do ſet a
ſhining Luſtre upon thoſe Bodies that of them-
ſelves are dark.
Unde ſi quis eſſet extra regio-
nem ignis, terra iſta in circumferentia ſuæ regio-
nis per medium ignis lucida ſtella appareret.
‘that, if a Man were beyond the Region of
‘Fire, this Earth would appear through that
‘as a bright Star.
But if this were the only
Reaſon, then would the Moon be freed from
ſuch Increaſes and Decreaſes as ſhe is now lya-
ble unto.
Keplar thinks that our Earth receives that
Light whereby it ſhines, from the Sun, but
this (ſaith he) is not ſuch an intended clear
brightneſs as the Moon is capable of, and there-
fore he gueſfes, that the Earth there is of a
more choky ſoil, like the Iſle of Grete, and ſo
is better able to reſlect a ſtronger Light, where-
as our Earth muſt ſupply this Intention with
the quantity of his Body.
But this I concieve
to be a needleſs Conjecture, ſince our Earth,
if all things were well conſider’d, will be
found able enough to reflect as great a Light.

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