1the newer French Dreſs.
But if it be an Honor to a
Language to be preferr'd, and
this Honor breeds ſometimes an
Emulation, as anciently it did
between the Greeks and Ro
mans, it cannot be thought
unhandſome for an Engliſh
Nobleman to have preferr'd
his own: And it may be a ſuf
ficient Reaſon for the Gentry
of Forein Parts to learn our
Speech, or keep Interpreters,
that they are ſure to have for
their requital, from many of
our Engliſh Writers (as here
from this piece) much curiouſly
ingenious, and profitable Lear
Language to be preferr'd, and
this Honor breeds ſometimes an
Emulation, as anciently it did
between the Greeks and Ro
mans, it cannot be thought
unhandſome for an Engliſh
Nobleman to have preferr'd
his own: And it may be a ſuf
ficient Reaſon for the Gentry
of Forein Parts to learn our
Speech, or keep Interpreters,
that they are ſure to have for
their requital, from many of
our Engliſh Writers (as here
from this piece) much curiouſly
ingenious, and profitable Lear