1time, perceiving by Letters from ſome
other Ingenious Perſons at Paris, that ſe
veral of the Virtuoſi there, were very
intent upon the examination of the Inte
reſt of the Ayr, in hindring the deſcent
of the Quick-ſilver, in the famous Expe
riment touching a Vacuum: I thought I
could not comply with your Deſires in a
more fit and ſeaſonable manner, then by
proſecuting and endeavoring to promote
that noble Experiment of Torricellius:
and by preſenting your Lordſhip an ac
count of my attempts to illuſtrate a ſub
ject, about which, it's being ſo much diſ
courſ'd of where you are, together with
your inbred Curioſity, and love of Ex
perimental Learning, made me ſuppoſe
you ſufficiently inquiſitive.
other Ingenious Perſons at Paris, that ſe
veral of the Virtuoſi there, were very
intent upon the examination of the Inte
reſt of the Ayr, in hindring the deſcent
of the Quick-ſilver, in the famous Expe
riment touching a Vacuum: I thought I
could not comply with your Deſires in a
more fit and ſeaſonable manner, then by
proſecuting and endeavoring to promote
that noble Experiment of Torricellius:
and by preſenting your Lordſhip an ac
count of my attempts to illuſtrate a ſub
ject, about which, it's being ſo much diſ
courſ'd of where you are, together with
your inbred Curioſity, and love of Ex
perimental Learning, made me ſuppoſe
you ſufficiently inquiſitive.
And though I pretend not to acquaint
you, on this occaſion, with any ſtore of
new Diſcoveries yet poſſibly I ſhall be ſo
happy, as to aſſiſt you to know ſomethings
which you did formerly but ſuppoſe; and
ſhall preſent you, if not with new Theo
ries, at leaſt with new Proofs of ſuch as
are not yet become unqueſtionable. And
if what I ſhall deliver, have the good for
tune to encourage and aſſiſt you to proſe
cute the Hints it will afford, I ſhall ac-
you, on this occaſion, with any ſtore of
new Diſcoveries yet poſſibly I ſhall be ſo
happy, as to aſſiſt you to know ſomethings
which you did formerly but ſuppoſe; and
ſhall preſent you, if not with new Theo
ries, at leaſt with new Proofs of ſuch as
are not yet become unqueſtionable. And
if what I ſhall deliver, have the good for
tune to encourage and aſſiſt you to proſe
cute the Hints it will afford, I ſhall ac-