19111That the Earth may be a Planet.
† objected;
If Pythagoras were of this Opi-
11† Alex.
Roſſ. l. 2. ſc.
2. c. 10. nion, yet his Authority ſhould not be of any
credit, becauſe he was the Author of many
other monſtrous abſurdities.
11† Alex.
Roſſ. l. 2. ſc.
2. c. 10. nion, yet his Authority ſhould not be of any
credit, becauſe he was the Author of many
other monſtrous abſurdities.
To this I anſwer:
If a Mans errour in ſome
particulars ſhould take away his credit for
every thing elſe, this would aboliſh the force
of all human Authority; for humanum eſt er-
rare. Secondly, ’tis probable that many of
Pythagoras’s ſayings which ſeem ſo abſurd,
are not to be underſtood according to their
letter, but in a myſtical ſenſe.
particulars ſhould take away his credit for
every thing elſe, this would aboliſh the force
of all human Authority; for humanum eſt er-
rare. Secondly, ’tis probable that many of
Pythagoras’s ſayings which ſeem ſo abſurd,
are not to be underſtood according to their
letter, but in a myſtical ſenſe.
But he objects again, that Pythagor as
was not of this Opinion; and that for two
reaſons: Firſt, becauſe no Antient Author
that he had read aſcribes it unto him. Second-
ly, it is contradictory to his other Opinions,
concerning the Harmony that was made by
the motion of the Heavens; which could not
conſiſt with this other of the Earth’s moti-
was not of this Opinion; and that for two
reaſons: Firſt, becauſe no Antient Author
that he had read aſcribes it unto him. Second-
ly, it is contradictory to his other Opinions,
concerning the Harmony that was made by
the motion of the Heavens; which could not
conſiſt with this other of the Earth’s moti-
To the FirſtI anſwer:
The Objector could
not chuſe but know that this Aſſertion is by
many Antient Authors aſcribed to that ſect,
whereof Pythagoras was the chief. He might
have ſeen it expreſly in Ariſtotle himſelf: 22 De Calo.
lib. 2. c. 13. Οί @ υ @γέγουσι@π@μέὑτου μέσου
π~ρ @ύχ,τ τε γιω~ ε,υ @ @ωυ ου@υ κύκλω
φερο μζύιω ιρ@ τὸ μέσου, νύκτα τε κμέ-
ραυ ποιν.
not chuſe but know that this Aſſertion is by
many Antient Authors aſcribed to that ſect,
whereof Pythagoras was the chief. He might
have ſeen it expreſly in Ariſtotle himſelf: 22 De Calo.
lib. 2. c. 13. Οί @ υ @γέγουσι@π@μέὑτου μέσου
π~ρ @ύχ,τ τε γιω~ ε,υ @ @ωυ ου@υ κύκλω
φερο μζύιω ιρ@ τὸ μέσου, νύκτα τε κμέ-
ραυ ποιν.