THough there are ſome, who think Moun-
tains to be a deformity to the Earth, as
if they were either beat up by the Floud, or
elſe caſt up like ſo many Heaps of Rubbiſh
left at the Creation; yet if well confider’d,
they will be found as much to conduce to the
Beauty and Conveniency of the Univerſe, as
any of the other parts. Nature (ſaith Pliny)
purpoſely framed them for many excellent uſes:
partly to tame the Violence of greater Rivers,
to ſtrengthen certain Joynts within the Veins
and Bowels of the Earth, to break the Force
of the Seas Inundation, and for the ſafety of
the Earths Inhabitants, whether Beaſts or Men.
That they make much for the Protection of
Beaſts, the Pſalmiſt teſtifies, The high Hills
11Pſal. 104.
v. 18. are a refuge for the wild Goats, and the Recks for
the Gonies. The Kingly Prophet had likewiſe
learned the ſafety of theſe by his own Experi-
ence, when he alſo was fain to make a Moun-
tain his Refuge from the Fury of his Maſter
Saul, who perſecuted him in the Wilderneſs.
tains to be a deformity to the Earth, as
if they were either beat up by the Floud, or
elſe caſt up like ſo many Heaps of Rubbiſh
left at the Creation; yet if well confider’d,
they will be found as much to conduce to the
Beauty and Conveniency of the Univerſe, as
any of the other parts. Nature (ſaith Pliny)
purpoſely framed them for many excellent uſes:
partly to tame the Violence of greater Rivers,
to ſtrengthen certain Joynts within the Veins
and Bowels of the Earth, to break the Force
of the Seas Inundation, and for the ſafety of
the Earths Inhabitants, whether Beaſts or Men.
That they make much for the Protection of
Beaſts, the Pſalmiſt teſtifies, The high Hills
11Pſal. 104.
v. 18. are a refuge for the wild Goats, and the Recks for
the Gonies. The Kingly Prophet had likewiſe
learned the ſafety of theſe by his own Experi-
ence, when he alſo was fain to make a Moun-
tain his Refuge from the Fury of his Maſter
Saul, who perſecuted him in the Wilderneſs.