Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of Notes

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3826That the Moon may be a World.
So that in the firſt ſenſe, Iyield, that there
is but one World, which is all that the Argu-
ments do prove;
but underſtand it in the ſe-
cond ſenſe, and ſo I affirm, there may be more,
nor do any of the above named Objections
prove the contrary.
Neither can this Opinion derogate from the
Divine Wiſdom (as Aquinas thinks) but rather
Advance it, ſhewing a Gompendium of Provi-
dence, that could make the ſame Body a
World, and a Moon;
a World for Habitation,
and a Moon for the uſe of others, and the Or-
nament of the whole Frame of Nature.
For as
the Members of the Body ſerve not only for
the Preſervation of themſelves, but for the
Uſe and Convenience of the whole, as the
Hand protects the Head, as well as ſaves its
11Cuſanus de
doct. igner.
1. 2. c. 12.
ſo is it in the parts of the Univerſe,
where each one may ſerve as well for the
Converſation of that which is within it, as the
Help of others without it.
Merſennus a late Jeſuit, Propoſing the Queſti-
on, whether or no the opinion of more Worlds
in Gen.
Qu, 19.
Art. 2.
than one, be Heretical, and againſt the Faith?
He anſwers it negatively, becauſe it does not
Contradict any expreſs place of Scripture, or
Determination of the Church.
And though
(ſaith he) it ſeems to be a raſh Opinion, as be-
ing againſt the Conſent of the Fathers;
yet, if
this Controverſie be chiefly Philoſophical, then
their Authorities are not of ſuch Weight.
to this it may be added, that the conſent of the
Fathers is prevalent only in ſuch Points as were
firſt controverted amongſt them, and then ge-
nerally decided one way, and not in ſuch

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