150138That the Moon may be a World.
may not Succeeding times, Raiſe up ſome Spirits
as Eminent for new Attemps and Strange In-
ventions, as any that were before them? ’Tis
the Opinion of Keplar, that as ſoon as the art
cum Nun.
Sider. of Flying is Found out, ſome of their Nation
will make one of the firſt Colonies, that ſhall
Tranſplant into that other World. I Suppoſe,
his Appropriating this Preheminence to his
own Country-Men, may ariſe from an Over-
partial Affection to them. But yet thus far
I Agree with him, That when ever that Art
is Invented, or any other, wherby a Man may
be Conveyed ſome Twenty Miles high, or
thereabouts, then, ’tis not altogether Improba-
ble that ſome or other may be Succeſsful in
this Attempt.
as Eminent for new Attemps and Strange In-
ventions, as any that were before them? ’Tis
the Opinion of Keplar, that as ſoon as the art
cum Nun.
Sider. of Flying is Found out, ſome of their Nation
will make one of the firſt Colonies, that ſhall
Tranſplant into that other World. I Suppoſe,
his Appropriating this Preheminence to his
own Country-Men, may ariſe from an Over-
partial Affection to them. But yet thus far
I Agree with him, That when ever that Art
is Invented, or any other, wherby a Man may
be Conveyed ſome Twenty Miles high, or
thereabouts, then, ’tis not altogether Improba-
ble that ſome or other may be Succeſsful in
this Attempt.
For a better Clearing of which, I ſhall firſt
lay Down, and then Anſwer thoſe Doubts that
may make it ſeem utterly Impoſſible.
lay Down, and then Anſwer thoſe Doubts that
may make it ſeem utterly Impoſſible.
The Firſt, taken from the Natural Heavi-
neſs of a Mans Body, whereby it is made Un-
fit for the Motion of Aſcent, together with
the Vaſt Diſtance of that Place from us.
neſs of a Mans Body, whereby it is made Un-
fit for the Motion of Aſcent, together with
the Vaſt Diſtance of that Place from us.