Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of contents

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[Item 1.]
[2.] Ex Libris James S. Dearden Rampside
[4.] In Two Parts.
[5.] The Fifth Edition Corrected and Amended. LONDON,
[6.] The Epiſtle to the READER.
[7.] The Propoſitions that are proved in this Diſcourſe. PROPOSITION I.
[8.] PROP. II.
[9.] PROP. III.
[10.] PROP. IV.
[11.] PROP. V.
[12.] PROP. VI.
[13.] PROP. VII.
[14.] PROP. VIII.
[15.] PROP. IX.
[16.] PROP. X.
[17.] PROP. XI.
[18.] PROP. XII.
[19.] PROP. XIII.
[20.] PROP. XIV.
[21.] The Firſt Book. That the MOON May be a WORLD. The Firſt Propoſition, by way of Preface.
[22.] Sed vanus ſtolidis hæc omnia finxerit Error.
[23.] Solis lunæq; labores.
[24.] Cum fruſtra reſonant æra auxiliaria Lunæ.
[25.] Una laboranti poterit ſuccerrere Lunæ.
[26.] Gantus & è cælo poſſunt deducere Lunam.
[27.] Cantus & ſi curru lunam deducere tentant, Et facerent, ſi non æra repulſa ſonant.
[28.] PROP. II. That a Plurality of Worlds doth not contradict any Principle of Reaſon or Faith.
[29.] Æſtuas infelix auguſto limite mundi.
[30.] PROP. III. That the Heavens do not conſiſt of any ſuch pure Matter, which can priviledge them from the like Change and Corruption, as theſe Inferiour, Bodies are liable unto.
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3624That the Moon may be a World. opened, becauſe it ſeem'd to come with that
11Sir Walter
Raleigh c. 7.
Sect. 6.
Violence, as if it were poured out from Win-
dows in the Firmament.
And in reference to this, a Drowth is de-
ſcrib'd in ſundry other places, by the 22Deut. 11
1 Reg. 3.
Luk. 4. 25.
being ſhut up.
So that the Phraſes which the
Holy Ghoſt ſhews, concerning theſe things, are
not to be underſtood in a literal Senſe;
but ra-
ther as vulgar Expreſſions;
and this Rule is
ſet down by Saint Auſtin, where ſpeaking con-
cerning that in the Pſalm, who ſtretched the
331. 2. in Gen.
Pſal. 1 36. 6
Earth upon the Waters, he Notes, that when
the Words of Scripture ſhall ſeem to contra-
dict common Senſe or Experience, there, are
they to be underſtood in a qualified Senſe, and
not according to the Letter.
And ’tis obſerv'd,
that for want of this Rule, ſome of the Anci-
ents have faſtned ſtrange Abſurdities upon the
Words of the Scripture.
So Saint Ambroſe
lib. 2.
Item Baſil.
Hom 3. in
Wiſd. 2. 4.
17. 5.
Ecclus. 43.
3, 4.
eſteem'd it a Hereſie to think, that the Sun and
Stars were not very Hot, as being againſt
the Words of Scripture, Pſalm 19.
6. where
the Pſalmiſt ſays, that there is nothing that is
hid from the Heat of the Sun.
So others
there are that would prove the Heavens not
to be Round, out of that place, Pſal.
104. 2. He
ſtretched out the Heavens like a Curtain.
Procopius alſo was of Opinion, that the Earth
55Com. in c. 1.
was founded upon the Waters;
Nay, he made
it part of his Faith, proving it out of Pſal.
24. 2. He hath founded the Earth upon the Seas,
and eſtabliſhed it upon the Floods.
Theſe and
ſuch like Abſurdities have followed, when
Men look for the Grounds of Philſophy in the
Words of Scripture.
So that, from

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