Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of contents

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[11.] PROP. V.
[12.] PROP. VI.
[13.] PROP. VII.
[14.] PROP. VIII.
[15.] PROP. IX.
[16.] PROP. X.
[17.] PROP. XI.
[18.] PROP. XII.
[19.] PROP. XIII.
[20.] PROP. XIV.
[21.] The Firſt Book. That the MOON May be a WORLD. The Firſt Propoſition, by way of Preface.
[22.] Sed vanus ſtolidis hæc omnia finxerit Error.
[23.] Solis lunæq; labores.
[24.] Cum fruſtra reſonant æra auxiliaria Lunæ.
[25.] Una laboranti poterit ſuccerrere Lunæ.
[26.] Gantus & è cælo poſſunt deducere Lunam.
[27.] Cantus & ſi curru lunam deducere tentant, Et facerent, ſi non æra repulſa ſonant.
[28.] PROP. II. That a Plurality of Worlds doth not contradict any Principle of Reaſon or Faith.
[29.] Æſtuas infelix auguſto limite mundi.
[30.] PROP. III. That the Heavens do not conſiſt of any ſuch pure Matter, which can priviledge them from the like Change and Corruption, as theſe Inferiour, Bodies are liable unto.
[31.] Necnon Oceano paſci phæbumque polumq; Gredimus.
[32.] PROP. IV. That the Moon is a Solid, Compacted, Opacous Body.
[33.] PROP. V. That the Moon hath not any Light of her own.
[34.] PROP. VI. That there is a World in the Moon, bath been the direct Opinion of many Ancient, with ſome Modern Mathematicians, and may probably de deduc’d from the Tenents of others.
[35.] PROP. VII. That thoſe Spots and brighter parts, which by our ſight may be diſtinguiſhed in the Moon, do ſhew the difference betwixt the Sea and Land, in that other World.
[36.] PROP. VIII. The Spots repeſent the Sea, and the brighter parts the Land.
[37.] PROP. IX. That there are high Mountains, deep Vallies, and ſpacious Plains in the Body of the Moon.
[38.] PROP. X. That there is an Atmo-ſphæra, or an Orb of groſs, Vaporous Air, immediately encompaſſing the body of the Moon.
[39.] PROP. XI. That as their World is our Moon, ſo our World is their Moon.
[40.] Provehimur portu, terræque urbeſque recedunt.
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        <div xml:id="echoid-div133" type="section" level="1" n="40">
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1505" xml:space="preserve">
              <pb o="103" file="0115" n="115" rhead="That the Moon may be a World."/>
            the ſame Darkneſs from the Eclipſes, being
            alſo ſeverally helped by one another in their
            greateſt wants: </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1506" xml:space="preserve">For when the Moon is in
            Conjunction with the Sun, and her upper part
            receives all the Light, then her lower Hemi-
            ſphere (which would otherwiſe be altogether
            dark) is enlightned by the Reſlexion of the
            Sun-Beams from the Earth. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1507" xml:space="preserve">When theſe two
            Planets are in Oppoſition, then that part of the
            Earth which could not receive any Light from
            the Sun-Beams, is moſt Enlightned by the
            Moon, being then in the Full; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1508" xml:space="preserve">and as ſhe doth
            moſt Illuminate the Earth when the Sun-Beams
            cannot, ſo the grateful Earth returns to her as
            great (nay greater) Light when ſhe moſt wants
            it; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1509" xml:space="preserve">ſo that always that viſible part of the Moon
            which receives nothing from the Sun, is en-
            lightned by the Earth, as is prov’d by Galiæ-
            us, with many more Arguments in that Trea-
            tiſe which he calls Syſtema mundi. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1510" xml:space="preserve">True in-
            deed, when the Moon comes to a quartile,
            then you can neither diſcern this Light, nor
            yet the darker part of her Body, and that for
            a double Reaſon.</s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1511" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1512" xml:space="preserve">1. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1513" xml:space="preserve">Becauſe the nearer it comes to the Full,
            the leſs Light does it receive from the Earth,
            whoſe Illumination does always decreaſe in
            the ſame Proportion as the Moon does In-
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1514" xml:space="preserve"/>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1515" xml:space="preserve">2. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1516" xml:space="preserve">Becauſe of the Exuperancy of the Light
              <note position="right" xlink:label="note-0115-01" xlink:href="note-0115-01a" xml:space="preserve">Scal. exerc.
            in the other parts. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1517" xml:space="preserve">Quippe illuſtratum medium
            ſpeciem recipit valentiorem, the clearer bright-
            neſs involves the Sight, as it is with thoſe of
            Sound; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s1518" xml:space="preserve">and as the greater Noiſe drowns the
            leſs, ſo the brighter Objecthides that which </s>