24969That the Earth may be a Planet.
which our Adverſaries would collect from
hence, that it is without motion.
hence, that it is without motion.
But Mr.
Fuller urging this Text againſt Co-
pernicus, tells us; If any ſhould interpret
theſe Phraſes, concerning the Earth's ſtand-
ing ſtill, verſ. 4. and the Sun's motion,
verſ. 5. in reference only to appearance and
common opinion, he muſt neceſſarily alſo
underſtand thoſe two other Verſes, which
mention the motion of the Wind and Ri-
vers, in the ſame ſenſe. As if he ſhould ſay,
becauſe ſome things appear otherwiſe than
they are, therefore every thing is otherwiſe
than it appears: or, becauſe Scripture ſpeaks
of ſome natural things, as they are eſteemed
according to Man's falſe conceit; therefore
’tis neceſſary, that every natural thing men-
tioned in Scripture, muſt be interpreted in
the like ſenſe: or, becauſe in one place we
read of the ends of a Staff, 1 Kings 8. 8.
and in many other places, of the ends of
the Earth, and the ends of Heaven: There-
fore the Earth and Heavens have as properly
ends, as a Staff. ’Tis the very ſame Conſe-
quence with that in the Objection. Becauſe
in this place of Eccleſiaſtes, we read of the
reſt of the Earth, and the motion of the
Sun; therefore, theſe Phraſes muſt needs
be underſtood in the ſame proper conſtru-
ction as thoſe afterwards, where Motion
was attributed to the Wind and Rivers.
Which Inference you ſee is ſo weak, that the
Objector need not triumph ſo much in its
ſtrength as he doth.
pernicus, tells us; If any ſhould interpret
theſe Phraſes, concerning the Earth's ſtand-
ing ſtill, verſ. 4. and the Sun's motion,
verſ. 5. in reference only to appearance and
common opinion, he muſt neceſſarily alſo
underſtand thoſe two other Verſes, which
mention the motion of the Wind and Ri-
vers, in the ſame ſenſe. As if he ſhould ſay,
becauſe ſome things appear otherwiſe than
they are, therefore every thing is otherwiſe
than it appears: or, becauſe Scripture ſpeaks
of ſome natural things, as they are eſteemed
according to Man's falſe conceit; therefore
’tis neceſſary, that every natural thing men-
tioned in Scripture, muſt be interpreted in
the like ſenſe: or, becauſe in one place we
read of the ends of a Staff, 1 Kings 8. 8.
and in many other places, of the ends of
the Earth, and the ends of Heaven: There-
fore the Earth and Heavens have as properly
ends, as a Staff. ’Tis the very ſame Conſe-
quence with that in the Objection. Becauſe
in this place of Eccleſiaſtes, we read of the
reſt of the Earth, and the motion of the
Sun; therefore, theſe Phraſes muſt needs
be underſtood in the ſame proper conſtru-
ction as thoſe afterwards, where Motion
was attributed to the Wind and Rivers.
Which Inference you ſee is ſo weak, that the
Objector need not triumph ſo much in its
ſtrength as he doth.